Page 53 - MENU Magazine - March/April 2018
P. 53

Most Young
Canadians Want to
Live in Music Cities
As many small and medium-size live music venues across Canada are struggling due to lack of funding and revenue, new SOCAN research reveals that seven-in-ten city-dwelling Canadians younger than 35 feel it’s important to live in a neighbourhood with a vibrant local arts scene that includes live music.
SOCAN believes that cities should play a critical role in maintaining local arts and music scenes and, in response to study  ndings, has identi ed several steps that cities can take to foster music in communities across the country.
Providing live artists with realistic housing options, bringing cultural groups together to encourage discussions around the arts and examining local development fee structures, so cities take live music venues into consideration.
SOCAN also notes that often in Canada, property developers are rightfully required to contribute to community infrastructure and amenities when they build in an area—provid- ing funds that go to libraries, park develop- ment and transit projects, for example. SOCAN argues that live music venues should be con- sidered for these types of funds and Canadians agree: 91 per cent of Canadians living in urban Canada who want to live in a neighbourhood with a vibrant local arts scene agree that a portion of development fees should support live music.
“The results of this study solidify what we at SOCAN have long known: that Canadians have a passion and desire for live music at a local level,” commented Eric Baptiste, CEO of SO- CAN. “Many cities already know that live music supports the municipal economy by bringing tourists and attracting young people to settle
and contribute to the local economy. We hope these recent  ndings will further encourage municipalities and citizens to come together, foster our unique Canadian music culture and keep building vibrant Canadian neighbourhoods.”
SOCAN also encourages citizens to support local artists better by frequenting venues that hold live music licences, so that music creators and publishers can be compensated fairly for their creative work, while also supporting local businesses and the economy. “The idea of saving music and arts scenes throughout Can- ada can seem like a daunting task, but it can be accomplished by simple gestures such as enjoying live music in venues that are already licence-compliant,” continued Baptiste. “It is
a small step, but it means that Canadian music creators and publishers are being compensat- ed fairly, which allows them to support them- selves and create more music for our collective enjoyment.”
Just as a dash of salt or the right spice can make a dish come alive, so can music elevate a restaurant experience. But all too often, music is the overlooked ingredient that can go un- derutilized as a tool for creating a memorable and harmonious dining experience.
An overwhelming majority of diners say that music plays a major role in their enjoyment when eating in restaurants. In a survey by SO- CAN, nearly eight in ten Canadians said music in a restaurant makes them more likely to enjoy their food and drink and seven in ten said mu- sic makes them want to stay longer, with some reporting that they are then more likely to invite friends to join them or order more food and drink. m

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