Page 33 - Biofreeze Massage Manual
P. 33
special notes:
The timing and speed of each stroke will vary depending on the size of the person, the condition of the tissue, and the time required to address speci c needs of each person. There are some common areas of soreness in golfers which should be addressed.
Common area of soreness in golfers:
Golfer’s elbow
For the right-handed golfer: Pain at the right medial epicondyle caused by keeping elbow extended during follow through.
Low Back Pain
Low back pain is common as lumbar vertebrae are not meant to rotate.
Rotator Cu
The rotator cu muscles are very active in the swing, and become vulnerable to over use and micro trauma.
Scapular Muscles
The scapular muscles stabilize the scapula, allowing the arm to function properly.
technique de nitions:
BROAdeNING STROkeS: The application of palm strokes from the centerline of an extremity laterally outward.
COMPReSSION: A rhythmic pumping action movement on muscle straight in and out intended to spread muscle ber.
COMPReSSIve eFFLeURAGe: The application of gliding strokes with enough pressure to create a displacement of tissue for the purpose of moving uid.
CROSS FIBeR FRICTION: The application of compressive movements on muscles with the angle 90° to the bers of the muscle.
dIReCT PReSSURe: The application of compression of tissue with static pressure.
eFFLeURAGe: The application of gliding strokes that follow the contour of the body.
FLATS OF HANdS: Applying gliding strokes with the backs of your ngers while using loose sts
FRICTION: The application of compression of tissue while adding movement.
PeTRISSAGe: The application of lifting, squeezing and kneading strokes to tissues of the body.
STRIPPING STROkeS: The application of speci c gliding strokes over a muscle, usually from distal to proximal.
TAPOTeMeNT OR PeRCUSSION: The application of alternating, rhythmical striking movements to the body.
treatment written by Michael Mcgillicuddy
Step 9
Step 10
Performance Health 33