Page 39 - Biofreeze Massage Manual
P. 39

technique de nitions:
BROAdeNING STROkeS: The application of palm strokes from the centerline of an extremity laterally outward.
COMPReSSION: A rhythmic pumping action movement on muscle straight in and out intended to spread muscle  ber.
COMPReSSIve eFFLeURAGe: The application of gliding strokes with enough pressure to create a displacement of tissue for the purpose of moving  uid.
CROSS FIBeR FRICTION: The application of compressive movements on muscles with the angle 90° to the  bers of the muscle.
dIReCT PReSSURe: The application of compression of tissue with static pressure. eFFLeURAGe: The application of gliding strokes that follow the contour of the body.
FLATS OF HANdS: Applying gliding strokes with the backs of your  ngers while using loose  sts.
FRICTION: The application of compression of tissue while adding movement.
PeTRISSAGe: The application of lifting, squeezing and kneading strokes to tissues of the body.
STRIPPING STROkeS: The application of speci c gliding strokes over a muscle, usually from distal to proximal.
TAPOTeMeNT OR PeRCUSSION: The application of alternating, rhythmical striking movements to the body.
treatment written by Michael Mcgillicuddy
Performance Health 39

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