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MATRIX Treadmills
MATRIX and SportsArt Treadmills
Treadmill Speci cations Exercise Cardio
Speci cations
84.6” x 33.5” x 52”
84.6” x 33.5” x 52”
84.6” x 36.5” x 58”
84.6” x 36.5” x 58”
0% -15%
350 lbs.
400 lbs
400 lbs
400 lbs
Display Feedback
Speed, incline, elapsed time, distance, pace, heart rate, time remaining, calories
Time, distance, calories, speed, incline, pace, heart rate, METs, watts
Time, distance, calories, speed, incline, pace, heart rate, METs, watts
Time, distance, calories, calories per hour, speed, incline, pace, heart rate, METs, watts, dynamic/static pro le display
Requires 120V, 20 amp circuit
Requires 120V, 20 amp circuit
Requires 120V, 20 amp circuit
Requires 120V, 20 amp circuit
Matrix 3 hp AC Dynamic Response Drive SystemTM
Matrix 4.2 hp AC Dynamic Response Drive SystemTM
Matrix 5 hp AC Dynamic Response Drive SystemTM
Matrix 5 hp AC Dynamic Response Drive System
Manual, Rolling Hills, Fat Burn, 5k, Target HR, Gerkin Protocol
Manual, Rolling Hills, Fat Burn, 5k, Target HR, Gerkin protocol, Army PFT, Navy PRT, Marine PFT, Air Force PRT, Physical Ef ciency Battery, WFI Protocol
Manual, Rolling Hills, Fat Burn, 5k, Target HR, Gerkin Protocol, Army PFT, Navy PRT, Marine PFT, Air Force PRT, Physical Ef ciency Battery, WFI Protocol
Manual, rolling hills, fat burn, 5k, target HR, Gerkin Protocol, Army PFT, Navy PRT, Marine PFT, Air Force PRT,
Physical Ef ciency Battery
Running Surface
60” x 20”
60” x 20”
60” x 22”
60” x 22”
0.5–12 mph
0.5–12 mph
0.5–12 mph
0.5–15 mph
3 yrs motor, 7 yrs frame, 3 yrs parts and labor; wear items - 90 days parts (Max 6 hours/day usage)
7 yrs motor; 7 yrs frame; 3 yrs. parts & labor; wear items - 90 days parts
Lifetime motor; 7 yrs frame; 3 yrs. parts and labor; wear items - 90 days parts only
Lifetime motor; 7 yrs frame;
3 yrs. parts and labor; wear items - 90 days parts only
Speci cations:
84.6” x 33.5” x 56”
87.25” x 37.5” x 56”
83.5” x 38.6” x 57.6”
0 - 15%
-3% to 15%
0% - 15%
400 lbs.
500 lbs.
400 lbs.
Display Feedback
Time, distance, calories, calories per hour, speed, incline, pace, heart rate, METs, watts, dynamic/static pro le display, simpli ed display mode
Calories, distance, time, speed, calories per hour, METs, pace, incline, actual heart rate, target heart rates for weight loss and cardio conditioning
Calories, speed, time, distance, cal/HR, MET’s, pace, incline, heart rate, weight loss zone, cardio zone, active zone
Matrix 4.2 hp AC Dynamic Response Drive SystemTM
5 HP peak power second generation ECO-POWRTM
3.2 HP DC
Manual, rolling hills, fat burn, 5k, target HR, Gerkin Protocol, Army PFT, Navy PRT, Marine PFT, Air Force PRT, Physical Ef ciency Battery
Manual (track), random (x10,000), glute (x2), interval (x3), hill (x3). Bruce and Gerkin tests
Manual, Random, Interval (x3), Glute (x2), Hill (x3), 5K/10K, Fat Burn, Fit Test (Bruce, Gerkin), HRC (x3)
Running Surface
60” x 20”
22” x 61”
22” x 61”
Reverse 0.1 - 4 mph Forward 0.1-12 mph
Reverse: 0.1 – 3 mph Forward: 0.1 – 12 mph
Reverse: 0.1 – 3 mph Forward: 0.1 – 10 mph
7 yrs frame and motor; 3 yrs. parts and labor; wear items - 90 days parts only
Lifetime frame, motor, cushioning;
5 yrs. parts, 3yr. labor (24 / 7 usage)
Frame, Motor - lifetime, Parts - 5 years, Labor - 3 year, Wear Items - 2 years, High Wear Items - 90 days, No labor (4 hrs. max per day. Fee based facilities not eligible)
SportsArt Treadmills
Speci cations:
87.25” x 37.5” x 56”
84” x 39” x 56”
84” x 39” x 57”
77.5 x 38” x 55”
-3% to 15%
0% to 15%
0% - 15%
0% - 12%
500 lbs.
450 lbs.
400 lbs.
400 lbs.
Display Feedback
Calories, calories per hour, speed, METs, time, distance, pace, incline, heart rate, wt loss and cardio target HR
Calories, calories per hour, speed, METs, time, distance, pace, incline, actual heart rate, wt. loss target HR, cardio target HR
Speed, Time, Incline, CAL/ HR, Distance, Calories, Pace, ActiveZone, METs, Heartrate
Time, distance, calories, CAL/HR, METS, speed, pace, incline, actual HR, wt. loss HR and cardio HR.
5.0 hp AC Servo
4.0 hp AC Servo
3.2 HP DC
3.0 HP DC
Manual, Random, Interval, Glute (30, 45), Hill (x3), Track (x3),Fat Burn, Fitness Test (Bruce, Gerkin, Fire, WFI, APFT, Air Force, Marines, Navy, Physical Ef ), HRC
(WT Loss, Cardio, Zone Trainer)
Interval (3), Random, Glute (2), Hill (3), HRC (2), Fitness Test, ZoneTrainerTM, Quick Start, Manual/Track
Manual, Random, Interval (x3), Glute (x2), Hill (x3), Track (x3), Fat Burn, Fit Test (x8), HRC (x3), Goal (x3)
Manual, Random, Interval (x3),
Glute (x2), Hill (x3), Track (x3), Fat Burn, Fit Test (x8), HRC (x3), Goal (x3)
Running Surface
22” - 61”
22” x 61”
22” x 61”
20” x 58”
0.1 – 15 mph
0.1 – 12 mph
.01 - 12 mph
0.1 - 12 mph
Lifetime frame, motor, cushioning; 5 yrs. parts, 1 yr. labor (24 / 7 usage)
Frame and Motor - lifetime, Parts - 5 years, Labor - 3 year, Wear Items - 5 years, High Wear Items - 90 days, No labor (6 hrs. max per day.
Fee based facilities not eligible)
Frame - lifetime, Parts - 5 years, Labor - 3 year, Wear Items - 2 years, High Wear Items - 90 days, No labor (4 hrs. max per day. Fee based facilities not eligible)
Frame - lifetime, Parts - 5 years, Labor - 3 year, Wear Items - 2 years, High Wear Items - 90 days, No labor (4 hrs. max per day. Fee based facilities not eligible)
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Exercise Cardio

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