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Tools & Books Speech
The BreatherTM. Great for adults and pediatric clients age 4 and older who
have neuromuscular disease. It improves respiratory support for phonation, speech articulation and swallowing. Aids inspira- tory and expiratory resistive breathing training (RBT), which strengthens the skel- etal muscles of the neck and the pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles. Especially helpful
in preventing aspiration. Produces great results in improving cough effort and breath support in speech training. This excellent oral/motor muscle trainer improves swallow safety and the potential for a diet upgrade. 41/2” long. Top rack dishwasher safe. Training with The BreatherTM. This great instructional DVD simplifies use of The Breather. There are seven short seg- ments from Know your Breather to Getting Set for Success.
0815-02-715 The Breather $41.70 0815-02-749 Training with The Breather
Breath Builder.
Strengthens dia-
phragm muscles and
develops breath con-
trol to help produce
strong speech. Ball
can be kept at the
top of the tube while
inhaling or exhaling.
Helps clients who are
neurologically and
physically impaired as
well as those who lack adequate breath support. Nontoxic, dishwasher safe. Colors vary.
0816-03-034 $36.50
Patient Guide Books. By Jan Lorman
and Cindy Jones. This set of six books helps you and family members understand the difficulties faced by those who have had stroke or other brain injuries. Covers several kinds of speech problems, memory lapses and swallowing difficulties. Provides lists of community resources. Each booklet ranges from 36 to 76 pages, and provides informa- tion on specific communication deficits, including definitions, causes, characteristics, treatment considerations, accompanying problems, management suggestions for
the family and community resources. The six books are Dysarthria, Apraxia, Aphasia, Traumatic Brain Injury, Right Brain Stroke and Swallowing Problems.
0815-03-762 $81.05
The Voice
Diagnostic Protocol.
By Shaheen N. Awan.
An easy-to-use prac-
tical manual that
focuses exclusively on
voice diagnostic proce-
dures. This assessment of voice function incorporates history-talking and interview skills, perceptual analysis, objective analysis of voice frequency, intensity and quality, evaluation of respiratory, phona- tory ability and control, and evaluation of the possible effects of excessive muscular tension. The tutorial includes a CD-ROM with a variety of voice samples. Manual is 202 pages, soft cover.
0815-34-213 $135.95
Language and Literacy Rehab Toolbox.
See-N-Read® Reading
Tools. An innovative tool
designed to help readers
seamlessly see, focus on and remember the written word. Readers will be able to con- centrate on and track the text being read to them while smoothly transitioning between the words that come before or after, thus helping to increase fluency and comprehen- sion. See-N-Read’s clear reading window
is surrounded by a non-glare tinted trans- parent finish that helps readers to focus
on manageable chunks of information in each line of text. Provides a clear reference point to help make smooth eye movements across the text on a page, enhancing reten- tion of information.
0815-65-761 Book Size, 3 pack 0815-65-779 Book Size, 10 pack
$15.15 $40.40
of Speech and
Second Edition.
By Kathryn Yorkston,
Robert Miller and
Edythe Strand. This
highly practical
guide is a superb addition to your treatment materials. Each chapter covers the etiology, assessment and management of a different degenerative disease — ALS, Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis. Plus, the book includes interview protocols, reproducible handouts, assess- ment forms and rating scales. 0815-43-644 $144.95
Provides all the materials needed to facilitate
rehabilitation of communication skills in ado-
lescents through adults with mild to severe language impairments. Allows flexibility to target skills in both English and Spanish in one kit. Includes picture UV coated cards, text in English and Spanish, wooden letters, black felt square, dry erase cards and pen.
0816-03-125 $201.00
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