Page 54 - Laconia Rally News 2020
P. 54
TJUNE 18, 2020 ~ THURSDAY at 7:00pm
32nd Anniversary of the Vigil • 27th Anniversary of the Freedom Ride
“As an American asked to serve, I was prepared to fight, to be wounded, to be captured and even prepared to die, but I was not prepared to be abandoned.” – Former POW Eugene “Red” McDaniel
affects hundreds of his year will be the 32nd year Americans and their
of the Meredith POW/MIA families, those men
Awareness Vigil in Hesky Park and the 27th year of the Freedom Ride. As “Doc” stated
and women missing in action or held prisoner during times of war and/or conflict.
all those years ago, “The Vigil was to simply bring awareness to this
For the past 27 years
bikers, attending Laconia
Motorcycle Week, have
joined forces on Thursday
evening and made history in
the Northeast. Over the past
several years, over 20 thou-
sand motorcyclists have rid-
den their motorcycles in the Northeast POW/MIA Network® Freedom Ride. This year join us for the ride from all points in Country to “The Rock” Hesky Park, Meredith “The States Original POW/MIA Memorial”.
American issue, not just a veteran issue. Were live Americans left behind knowingly? All evidence
stated and continue to states,... Yes! You may believe what you will, because it has been 32 years and this issue
should have be handled by now. But in time “all would forget”...But, Not here in New Hampshire, the HUB of POW/MIA activity and awareness standing Vigils in Hesky Park, Manchester Veterans Park, and in Portsmouth! When we stop, we guar-
The Northeast POW/MIA Network Vigil in Meredith gained nationwide attention some 32 years ago when a small group of veterans began holding weekly Thursday night vigils to bring to light the nation’s lack of effort to account for all service men and women missing from Vietnam. H
antee the Government stops looking.
For those who have yet to participate in the Freedom Ride, the real focus of the ride is to bring into light an issue that
What a crew!
Copper Flyer!
Captain Mark, Jenn, Konrad and Rylie snap a selfie from 52 the Hawk’s live broadcast RV. Zack - where are you??
Photo Courtesy: Russel Magliozzi Photo Courtesy: Karen Thurston
Photo Courtesy: Brian Lusignan, Sr.
Photo Courtesy: Konrad Kayne
Photo Courtesy: Karen Thurston