Page 13 - Laconia MC Week 2020
P. 13

   Welcome from the Governor
 State of New Hampshire
OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 107 North Main Street, State House Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Telephone (603) 271-2121
  Dear Friends,
On behalf of the citizens of New Hampshire, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 98th Laconia Motorcycle Week®.
Laconia Motorcycle Week is known as the oldest motorcycle rally in the country, and continues to be a proud New Hampshire tradition. Each year, hundreds of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts from around the country gather to share their passion in our state. New Hampshire is always proud to welcome visitors, and I hope that you will take the time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, unique history, and attractions that the Granite State has to offer.
As always, thank you to Mayor Andrew Hosmer and the City of Laconia for hosting this event, and to the staff and board of the Laconia Motorcycle Week Association. It is their continuous efforts year after year that make this event the success that it is.
I also extend my gratitude to the riders who attend Laconia Motorcycle Week each June, and welcome new riders to enjoy this exciting week for the first time. Have a fun and safe week, and please visit again soon!
Christopher T. Sununu, Governor
Welcome from the Mayor of Laconia
Dear Motorcycle Enthusiast:
The City of Laconia is a special place, and I am proud to call the city on the
lakes my home. Every year, my family and I look forward to seeing motor-
cyclists from around the country (and world!) arrive and enjoy all this beau-
tiful state has to offer. On behalf of the residents of the City of Laconia, it
is my privilege to invite you to be a part of the World Oldest Motorcycle
Week! This year's Laconia Motorcycle Week® will mark our 98th Anniversary and we are again looking forward to hosting enthusiasts from around the country and the world from June 12th through the 20th, 2021.
New Hampshire is a rider’s paradise and although the entire 2020 year may have kept us on our toes, the residents and businesses alike were happy to be able to safely welcome riders for the postponed 2020 rally held in August. Here in Laconia and in the State of NH, we love our motorcyclist friends, and we roll out the red carpet for our fellow riders.
You'll love the winding roads that take you to and from Laconia, around hundreds of lakes and ponds and through the shadows of endless mountains and hills. But during Motorcycle Week, all roads eventually lead to the Weirs Beach sec- tion of our city, where Lakeside Avenue – the hub of Motorcycle Week - runs right along the west shore of spectacularly beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee, the largest in the Granite State. I hope you’ll take advantage of the resorts, restaurants/bars, merchants and exhibitors that fill the surrounding area. It really is an honor and a privilege to serve you, our guests in the great Granite State.
Please make plans now to attend Laconia Motorcycle Week in 2021. It is a “can't miss” experience and we believe you'll have such a great time you'll want to come back, again and again. I'll look forward to seeing you here.
Andrew J. Hosmer, Mayor of Laconia
Andrew J. Hosmer, Mayor, City of Laconia
  Chris Sununu, Governor
Photo Courtesy: File

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