Page 37 - Laconia MC Week 2020
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Ask about discounts. You might be able to lower your rate by complet- ing motorcycle safety courses, having your motorcycle license, keep- ing a clean driving record, having more than one policy with the com- pany, paying your bill in full, or remaining a customer over time.
w Your Ride & Your Pride!
Be proud – show off your pride and joy at the Laconia Motorcycle Week Bike Shows
Jennifer Anderson
If you’re like us, you probably
have a photo album in your phone
FILLED with pictures of bikes
you saw when in Laconia. It never
ceases to amaze us – the creativi-
ty, ingenuity and sheer passion
that people put into their motorcy-
cles, it’s quite simply...AWE-
SOME! What better way to get
credit for all this distinction than at
an official Rally Bike Show! Whether it’s a unique paint job, a custom chopper, or an old school rat bike, we love to see you show off your pride-and-joy; your motorcycle! Instead of cruising around for ooohhhs and ahhhs, sign-up at any of the bike shows below for your chance take home a trophy!
Haymond Law Firm Bike Show Series Dates and Locations
Each of these shows run from 11AM-3PM unless other- wise specified. Winners will receive trophies sponsored by Haymond Law Firm. For more information on these shows, please contact Dick Cartier at 603-455-0458.
Saturday, June 12th: Sport Bikes ONLY at this bike show – be sure to get here early, there were over 100 sport bike entries last year! Location: Weirs Beach Drive-In.
Tuesday, June 15th: Bagger and Vintage Motorcycle Show at the Weirs Beach Drive-In. Wednesday, June 16th: All makes and models. Numerous classes available for entry.
Location: Weirs Beach Drive-In
Thursday, June 17th: The Historic Train Station in downtown Laconia next to Burrito Me.
Slow Race at 1pm in the parking lot of the train station!
NEW FOR 2021 NazBar Tattoo Contest at the Naswa Resort on the beach at 6pm. Call Dick for more info at 603-455-0458.
Friday, June 18th:
The Grand Finale
with the City of
Laconia Bike Show and Swap Meet. The bike show will run from 11AM-1PM and is open to all and has various categories including but not limited to: Custom, Rat, Vintage, Metric, Stock, Unique and of course Best in Show! Registration is only $20! All of the proceeds go to the City of Laconia to help offset the costs of hosting
Motorcycle Week. As if the cool bikes weren’t enough, there will also be a swap meet at Opechee Park during the City of Laconia Bike Show on Friday, so you’ll definitely want to check this event out! This is a great way to save tons of cash on new/used & custom bike parts and acces- sories to complete the special look of your ride! The swap meet will begin at 8AM (set-up at 7AM), so get there early!
MC Rodeo: During the City of Laconia Bike Show, there will also be a motorcycle rodeo and games of skills. Trophies will be award- ed.
We LOVE the USA!
NEW FOR 2021! A Motorcycle Lights Parade. Gather at 8pm at the Laconia City Hall parking lot and kickstands up at 9pm. Warm up your LED lights of all colors and
Maybe she’ll join Thursday’s parade through US RT. 3 Tattoo Contest at the Naswa!
to Lakeside Avenue to a crowd of adoring fans!
For info on any of the bike shows or swap meet, call Dick Cartier at 603-455-0458. A special thanks to Dick Cartier for working hard all year-long promoting these shows! H
Photos Courtesy: John Bielawski
Photos Courtesy: Bob Stegmaier - 2019
Tip #10