Page 41 - Laconia MC Week 2020
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Jennifer Anderson
Let’s face it – 2020 was too word of a year to count... So instead, let’s think back to when things were ‘nor- mal’ - in 2019, our Facebook videos reached 339K peo- ple and we experienced over 60K unique views on our YouTube Channel – I think it’s safe to say, you really like us! Thank YOU for helping us achieve such great success in our digital and social media marketing efforts! Over the last couple of years, the Laconia Motorcycle Week Association has substantially increased its online and social media presence in order to get you all of the Rally information you crave! Browse through our photos on the Official Rally Website at and see if you see yourself through our vast collection of Motorcycle Week photos!
Best Place on Earth!
is also where you’ll find the official schedule of events, lodging information, official souvenirs and more!
We are proud to assist visitors year-round with building their rally plans and now, stands strong as the foundation of that effort. Be sure to “Hit” us up online and Like Us on FaceBook and follow us Twitter, and Instagram: @LaconiaMCWeek, #LaconiaMCWeek H
     North East Motor Sports Museum 2021 Features The John Bettencourt Laconia Winning Suzuki
The North East Motor Sports Museum located just south of the New Hampshire Motor Speedway on Rt. 106 broke ground in September of 2015. Construction of the museum was completed in the Fall of 2016. For 2021, the 10,000 sq. ft. museum will feature a special exhibit keyed in part to the John Bettencourt “Laconia” National win- ning Suzuki. As a part of that exhibit, the Museum will also feature the very rare factory ROKON flat track motor- cycle that was manufactured in Keene, New Hampshire. Featured also will be historic motorcycles that competed in other Laconia AMA nationals, New England and international competitions.
Along with rotating special exhibits, the museum will showcase the rich history of all motorsports that took place in New England from motorcycles to stock cars, midgets, sprint cars, dragsters, sports cars etc. Historically, New England’s tracks dating back to the very early 1900’s, reflect a very diverse culture of all motor racing. New England produced some of the world’s top riders and drivers in all motor sport disciplines.
The non-profit museum is constructed on leased land from the New Hampshire Motor Speedway. It will house a varied permanent collection of race vehicles, feature special exhibits, and house an extensive collection of race memorabilia.
The AMA sanctioned Gypsy Tour on June 13th will go from Laconia Motorcycle Week headquarters to the NEMS museum and then to the international FIM Vintage motorcycle races at the Speedway. The Gypsy Tour will be a fundraiser for the museum.
For more information on the Northeast Motor Sports Museum or to become a member,
The Northeast Motorsports Museum is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. H 51
Photo Courtesy: W. Stephen Loughlin

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