Page 55 - Laconia MC Week 2020
P. 55

    Because sometimes – you’re stuck, lost, or just need to sharpen up...
It’s hard to travel to a new town and know the right people to call when things don’t go your way. Luckily, we’ve lived here long enough to know where to send you. Here’s a list of helpful resources you may need while in Laconia and where to find them... MOTORCYCLE SERVICES:
(includes motorcycle tires!):
Big Moose Harley-Davidson – 207-797-6061, Portland, Maine
3 Seavey Rd., Belmont – 603-744-0500 Gray’s Performance – 1429 Lake Shore Rd., Gilford – 603-527-8314
HK Powersports
1197 Union Ave., Laconia – 603-524-0100
Harley-Davidson Shop of Rochester
7 Crane Dr., (NH Rt. 11) – 603-330-3330
Laconia Harley-Davidson
239 DW Highway, Meredith – 603-279-4526
Manchester Harley
115 John E. Devine Dr., Manchester – 603-836-4997
Mike’s Performance Cycle
730 NH Rt. 104 – 603-744-8500
Twin States Harley-Davidson – 603-448-4664, Lebanon
Bob’s Lock & Key
263 Court St., Laconia – 603-524-4590
HK Powersports
1197 Union Ave., Laconia – 603-524-0100
Daub’s Cobbler Shop
24 Canal Street, Laconia – 603-528-1528
Polished & Proper Barber Shop
610 Main Street, Laconia – 978-558-0849
Let’s Go Parking!
The people making money
during Motorcycle Week aren’t
just the vendors and local restau-
rants. Tow companies are mak-
ing a lot of money for commonly over-
looked parking mistakes. There are a lot
of places to park your car or bike during the Rally.
There are also lots of places where NOT to park your bike or car: tow zones (this should be obvious), No Parking Zones, blocking travel lanes, on private property without permission, and the number one no-no is a handi-
     You don’t want these!
cap accessible spot with- out the right plate or plac- ard (restricted parking). These laws are strictly enforced.
As always, Lakeside Avenue has FREE park- ing for your motorcycle all week. Be sure to fol- low the traffic patterns and park in designated areas. The Weirs Action Committee, a non-profit
 organization that has excellent parking right at the beach lot for only $5/motorcycle. There are others that offer motorcycle parking for only $5 . . . Weirs Beach Drive-In, Faro Italian Grille, the huge parking lot at the end of Foster Ave., and the Weirs Beach Community Park Asso- ciation behind the Fire Station. Others move their rates up and down, day to day – where ever you chose to park, DO NOT PAY over $5 to park your motorcycle! H
    Another Perfect Day in Weirs Beach!
Lakeside Ave.
The Laconia Rally News
Please call 603-366-2000
Photos Courtesy: John Bielawski
Photo Courtesy: John Bielawski
Photo Courtesy: Laconia MC Week

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