Page 74 - Laconia MC Week 2020
P. 74

   Harley vs Indian wars at NH Motor Speedway
Racing Sidecars Return for FIM Road Race Championships
June 12 & 13
June 12th & 13th
        After an epic battle in 2020, once again the grudge rac- ing pitting the old Tank Shifter Harley’s and Indians from the 1930’s and 40’s will take place at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway during the FIM North America Vintage Road Racing Championships June 12th & 13th. Like the movie, Ground Hog Day, once again for the past several years, the drama of this match pits race competitors from across the United States to try and settle which machine will win the coveted event.
The history of the “Laconia” races dating from the 1930’s through the 1940’s and saw Indian and Harley battle it out for the coveted “Laconia” win. That battle with these vin- tage racers still continues today as these old machines fight all out in some amazing races to once again establish dominance on the track.
Every year, noted vintage racer Doc Batsleer from Daytona, Florida brings a collection of the old race bikes for some of the young guns to try and race in the epic Harley / Indian battle. Though the “young guns” can be very fast, it is sometimes the wily old experienced racers that that show the way around to victory. Noted New England car racer and Bentley’s Saloon owner,
Bentley Warren, has dominated the field of
racers in recent years and should return to race
for the gold. There is nothing like the noise,
smoke and smell of these old machines to
transport you back 70-80 years in time to rac-
ing the way it was. H
The incredible vin- tage road racing side- cars will return for the FIM North America Vintage Road Race Championships on June 12th and 13th at the
New Hampshire Motor Speedway. Vintage sidecar racing has to be one of the most insane, thrilling and dangerous forms of motor racing. A three-wheel vehicle carrying two people hanging on and racing on skinny tires - with high horsepower AND traveling inches from the ground is a recipe for excitement found nowhere else! The driver slides the sidecar through the corners wrestling for con- trol, while the passenger climbs from side to side on a small platform acting as a ballast to keep the sidecar from flipping. This race is not for the faint of heart, sometimes passengers have been known to fall off the machine at speed completely unnoticed by the driver. Because of intense driver focus, the driver only becomes aware of the missing passenger when he attempts to take the next cor- ner with devastating results. Some describe sidecar racing as a gladiator sport like the Roman chariot racing. For more information on USCRA, or
Visit NHMS at H
Photo Courtesy: John Bielawski
Photo Courtesy: John Bielawski
Photo Courtesy: John Bielawski
Photo Courtesy: Robert Coy

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