Page 79 - Laconia MC Week 2020
P. 79
How to Avoid Animal Collisions on the Roads
This motorcycle season, as you enjoy the scenic views that New Hampshire has to offer, keep in mind that wildlife can pop up when you least expect it. Here are some useful tips to avoid animal encoun- ters of the third kind!
• Oneimportantwaytoavoid
messy encounters is to never
drive drunk or high. Be sure to lock up and the leave the bike, or call a cab or a friend for a ride home. Don’t let your friends ride drunk. Remember, Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over.
• Alwaysuseanaggressivevisualsearchpatternwhen riding. By looking far and near and side to side you will see animals and other roadway users before they enter your path of travel. This will give you time to avoid collision in a more controlled manner.
• Deerarenotsolitaryanimals,theytravelwiththeir herd. Slow down if you see a deer. It’s likely there are more close behind.
• Don’tchallengelargeanimals–it’sasaferbettoturn around and seek an alternative route if possible.
• Alwaysslowdownanduseyourhighbeamsinall animal crossing areas.
• Ifyouoftenridetheroadsatnight,investinpowerful headlights.
• Donotoverrideyourheadlight.Athigherspeeds,it can take more distance to stop than your headlight reaches. By the time you see something in your path it is already too late. Slow down at night!
• If you’re riding in a group – spread out. If there’s a collision, it will prevent one rider from taking out the whole group.
• Asalways,don’tforgettowearprotectivegear–you never know who or what you will encounter on the open road.
• Taketrainingthatwillassistyouinhoningskills needed when that animal encounter does happen. Information on training is available at
Follow the NH Office of Highway Safety on Twitter at @nh_ohs and Facebook at @NHHighway Safety. H
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104.9 The Hawk Radio..............31 AKWA Beach Bar & Grille .........55 AMA...........................................74 Amsoil..........................................3 Atlas Fireworks..........................40 Bassett Lodge & Range Cafe....65 Bentley’s Saloon........................84 Biketemberfest - Laconia ..........28 Budweiser ..................................83 Chris’ Campground....................63 Coca-Cola .................................75 Corporate Sponsors ....................9 Country View Diner ...................65 Crest Hill Motel..........................65 David Uhl - Motorcycle Exhibit
& Raffle ..............................42-43 Faro Express.............................44 Fireside Inn & Suites.................66 Grocery Mart .............................61 Half Moon Motel & Cottages .....70 Harts Turkey Farm...................IFC Haymond Law Firm ...................23 Kay’s Place Family Dining ........65 Laconia Antique Center .............68 Laconia Rally Headquarters......67 Lahey, Matthew, Attorney ..........16 Lakes Region Tourism
Association ............................28 Lichter, Michael, Photography ...27 Looney Bin Bar & Grill...............25 Naswa Resort............................19 National Motorcycle Museum....78 NH Motor Speedway ...................6 NH State Ad ................................5 North Conway Grand Hotel .....IBC Pine Hollow Campground .........54 Progressive® Motorcycle
Insurance ................................1 Russ Brown Motorcycle
Attorneys ..................................7 Sac City Motel ...........................65 Speed Trap Diner ......................65 Sucker Punch Saloon................46 Tally-Ho Restaurant...................65 TEAM Motorcycle Apparel &
Leather ....................................2 Tower Hill Tavern......................BC Twisted Tea .................................4 Uncle Joe’s Diner ......................65 Union Diner ...............................77 USCR Vintage Racing.............IFC Weirs Action Committee ............55 Weirs Beach Drive-In ................78 Weirs Beach Tattoo ...................83