Page 9 - Laconia MC Week 2020
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    I’ve Been Riding by K. Peddlar Bridges aka The Roadpoet, Laconia Motorcycle Week® Poet Laureate & Historian.
   I’ve been riding and writing
Since who knows when
My hair was dark and thick
And my beard was light and thin.
And now I’m old – gristle’d, grizzled and gray
So different from that first riding day
And now it’s not about
Where I want to go that I dream
It’smoreabout ...
Photo of Peddlar by Zoot,
NY Riders Magazine.
I’m thinking about
Where it is that I’ve been
But still the miles
and the dreams roll on
And I’ll keep rolling and dreaming
‘Till all my hair and tire tread is gone.
And when it comes my time
For me to leave for that ... other side
I think I’ll take my Bike with me for the ride.
Roadpoet eMagazine Wishes to Anounce that Two Dozen Copies of K. Peddlar Bridges aka the Roadpoet, Laconia Motorcycle Week’s® Poet Laureate and Historian’s Books will be on Sale at the Rally Headquarters on the boardwalk during Laconia Motorcycle Week June, 2021.
The Titles of these Books are:
Milwaukee and America’s first Gypsy Tour . . . Laconia! Laconia 1916 / Chasing The Road!
Laconia Motorcycle Week® 1916 . . .The Beginning and
LACONIA Handle Bars and Memories / A Celebration
The proceeds from any and all sales during Laconia Motorcycle Week® will go directly to the Re-Archive Laconia Motorcycle Week® fund.
Photo Courtesy: Zoot Zukor

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