Page 31 - How to Harmonize and Monetize
P. 31
How To Harmonize And Monetize Your Skills- By Frank Edima
An eight-year-old boy went to his grandfather and proudly announced, “I am going to be very successful when I grow up. Canyougivemeanytipsonhowtogetthere?”
The grandfather nodded, and without saying a word, took the boy by the hand and walked him to a nearby plant nursery. There, the two of them chose and purchased two small saplings. They returned home and planted one of them in the back yard. The other sapling was placed in a pot and kept indoors.
“Which one do you think will be the most successful in the future?” asked the grandfather.
The boy thought for a moment and said, “The indoor tree. It's protected and safe while the outdoor one has to cope with the elements.”
The grandfather shrugged his shoulders and said, “We'll see.”