Page 46 - How to Harmonize and Monetize
P. 46
How To Harmonize And Monetize Your Skills- By Frank Edima
vision. Make it plain upon tablets so that whoever sees it can run with it...”
A vision board allows you to draw up goals into short, mid and long term including the resources you would need to achieve these goals and where you want to be in those years to come.
I do not hope to see people in this course become redundant with no ideas where they want to be with their skills in the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years. I do not want to believe there is anyone reading this who would want to be like the man who has been mending cloths and earing not more than N500 a day in his house since I was born until now. No, I don't want to believe that.
I am convinced that as you have signed up to read this book, you are determined to grow, be better, earn more and join “chop life gang” haha
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