Page 11 - Reflections On An Unmade Film
P. 11
...shoot, but do it in more of a reflective documentary style, shooting
what we can as planned and filling the gaps by playing up the similarities of the main character's situation and what we're living through right now. I quite like the idea but who knows what will change between now and then. I also feel a lot of responsibility to produce the film I set out to for, if no other reason, the amount of people who donated money for that film. I don't know!
Tuesday 17th March
12:09Just spoke to Jem. He thinks it'd be best to cancel the whole thing
and do it in a few weeks when this has all blown over. I'm completely torn but everything is changing minute by minute anyway so I'm not jumping to any decisions yet. We're picking up kit at 2pm but have decided to push meeting the whole team forward to 1pm to discuss the state of the project. Right now I'm on my way to pick up the waders for Aeneas' water shots.
Made a pretty depressing journey
home. Rang my family and everyone involved in the film. I got home and sobbed a bit then slept for a few hours. Woke up feeling slightly more refreshed and comforted by the fact this was completely out of my control.
I think Jem's film is postponed
now too. We're all in it together or whatever. I've just posted an update to
everyone who contributed to the crowdfunder. I desperately hope uni supports us in making these films in the future. For now, just glad I've got a
bottle of gin in tonight.
Tuesday 17th March 14:22
Really, really devastated. Decided as a group to not
go ahead with filming. Spoke to Patrick and Christiane for
quite a while, they both agreed it was best. Cancelled all kit
with uni and Greenkit. The whole team agreed to help make the film once this had passed, whenever that may be. For now, Jem's is still set to go in a few weeks time.
Tuesday 17th March 15:29