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At the Upstate Breast Care Center, our specialists work together to understand patients’
Lay  at on your back. Your breast tissue will spread out evenly along your chest wa
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Take your breast health in your own hands.
Breast Self-Exam
A Breast Self-Exam is an essential screening strategy, especially when used in combination with regular physical exams by a doctor and mammography. It is not intended to replace these critical components. However, nearly 20% of breast cancers are found by physical examination rather than by mammography. Therefore, we strongly recommend that all women routinely perform breast self-exams as part of their overall breast cancer screening strategy.
A Breast Self-Exam is easy to do and will just take a few minutes. And should be performed by all adult women. Perform the exam monthly to familiarize yourself with how your breasts normally look and feel. Examine yourself several days after your period ends, when your breasts are least likely to be swollen and tender. If you are no longer having periods, choose a day that’s easy to remember, such as the  rst or last day of the month.
Over the course of several months, you will get to know the look and feel of YOUR breasts. You will begin to notice if something stands or if something has changed.
We suggest you keep a journal to record the  ndings of your breast self-exams. You can include notes and diagrams—like a small map of your breasts—where you feel lumps or irregularities.
If you  nd a lump, experience nipple discharge or have other concerns, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your doctor, but don’t panic—only about 20% of lumps are cancerous.
Here are the Three Steps to Your Monthly Breast Self Exam:
Step 1: Stand Up
Use the pads of your  nger tips to examine your entire breast. Checking the entire breast including the areola, nipple and armpit. Feeling for lumps and knots. Using the spiral method, move in a circular pattern from the outside of your breast to its center. -OR- Use the radial method. Begin at the outermost top of the breast moving toward the nipple then away.
It is important to choose whatever method is most comfortable for you and use the same method when you perform a breast self-exam each month.
Upstate Breast Care Center
at Community Campus
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Providing the personalized breast care treatment and support you need.
Welcome to the Upstate Breast Care Center at Community
Dr. Greco and Dr. Keeney joined the practice at Upstate University Hospital Community Campus to create the  rst comprehensive breast care center in the community, utilizing their expertise in the areas of benign and malignant breast disease.
With the majority of our services located under one roof, the Upstate Breast Care Center offers comprehensive support and care or patients with breast disease. Our of ce and af liated hospital offer the latest in technology and combine that with exceptional customer service. We provide access to medical care in a timely fashion. Patients with an urgent need are typically seen within 48 hours. Whenever possible, care is coordinated so that all of the required
testing and consultations are completed during a single visit. This is particularly convenient for patients who live outside the Syracuse area.
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Step 2: Take a Look
Stand in front of a well-lit mirror. Inspect your breasts with your arms at your sides. Raise your arms high overhead. Look carefully for any changes in their contour, any swelling, or dimpling of the skin. Also look closely for any changes in the nipples.
Next, place your palms on your hips and press them  rmly to  ex your chest muscles. Note your left and right breasts will not exactly match (this is not a cause for concern). Look for any dimpling, puckering, or changes, particularly on one side versus the other.
Step 3: Lay Down
individual needs so a treatment strategy can be developed speci cally for them. Drs. Greco and Keeney encourage community physicians to reach out with any questions they may have.
Mary E MD, FA
We offer a full range of breast health services and strives to provide the best care to our patients, whether their needs are preventative, routine, chronic or unexpected.
llen Greco, CS
Kristine M. Keeney, MD
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ace a
motions covering the entire breast area and armpit. Checking the entire breast including areola, nipple and armpit. Use light, me
your right arm behind your head. Using your left hand, move the pads of your  nger tips around your right breast gently in sm
ll. N
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right should
er then all circul dium, and breast.
move ar  rm
pressure to feel for lumps and knots. Squeeze the nipple; check for discharge and lumps. Repeat these steps for your left
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© 2016 Upstate Breast Care Center All Rights Reserved
comprehensive support and care or patients with breast disease. Our of ce and af liated hospital offer the latest in technology and combine that with exceptional customer service. We provide access
to medical care in a timely fashion. Patients with
an urgent need are typically seen within 48 hours. Whenever possible, care is coordinated so that all of the required testing and consultations are complete during a single visit. This is particularly convenient fo patients who live outside the Syracuse area.
At the Upstate Breast Care Center, our specialists work together to understand patients’ individual needs so a treatment strategy can be developed speci cally for them. Drs. Greco and Keeney encourage community physicians to reach out with any questions they may have.
We offer a full range of breast health services and strives to provide the best care to our patients, whether their needs are preventative, routine, chronic or unexpected.
comprehensive support and care or patients with breast disease. Our of ce and af liated hospital offer the latest in technology and combine that with exceptional customer service. We provide access
to medical care in a timely fashion. Patients with
an urgent need are typically seen within 48 hours. Whenever possible, care is coordinated so that all of the required testing and consultations are completed during a single visit. This is particularly convenient for patients who live outside the Syracuse area.
Breast Fine Needle Aspiration; Breast Surgery; Genetic Testing; Lumpectomy
Chief Resident, General Surgery
Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY
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4900 Broad Road • Syracuse, NY
Learn more about:
Breast Health
Upstate Breast Care Center
at Community Campus
Our NAPBC accreditation means that breast care patients under our care can be con dent that their providers are following the highest standards of
Welcome to the Upstate Breast Care Cente at Community
Dr. Greco and Dr. Keeney joined the practice at Upstate University Hospital Community Campus to create the  rst comprehensive breast care center in the community, utilizing their expertise in the areas of benign and malignant breast disease.
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Upstate Breast Care Center
4900 Broad Road • Syracuse, NY
At the Upstate Breast Care Center, our specialists
Our doctor’s experience speaks for itself.
Their patients and families can’t say enough. Read our Success Stories »
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at Community Campus
sciMenetie ctatlhlyepcrolavsesn otrfe2at0m1e6n.t. Cancer free and celebrating every day.
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© 2016 Upstate Breast Care Center at Community Ca
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Mary Ellen Greco, MD, FACS
Specialties & Certi cation: Surgery; Critical Care Surgery; Ultrasound
Diseases & Conditions Treated:
Breast Cancer; Breast Disease; Breast Infection; Breast Mass; Breast Tenderness Treatments / Services:
Breast Biopsy; Breast Cancer Evaluation and Treatment Plan; Breast Care; Breast Fine Needle Aspiration; Breast Surgery; Genetic Testing
Kristine M. Keeney, MD
Specialties & Certi cation: Surgery
Diseases & Conditions Treated:
Breast Cancer; Breast Disease; Breast Infection; Breast Mass; Breast Tenderness
Treatments / Services:
November 2012-Present
Breast Surgeon
Upstate University Hospital at Community General Hospital,
Syracuse, NY
January 2012-October 2012
Breast Surgeon
Upstate Surgical Group, Syracuse, NY
July 1998-December2009
Critical Care Associates of Syracuse, P.C. Crouse Hospital, Syracuse, NY
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January 2006-Present
Breast Surgeon
Upstate Surgical Group, P.C., Syracuse, NY
July 2004-June 2005
Susan g. Komen Fellow of Breast Surgical Oncology, Northwestern
Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL
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With the majority of our services located under one roof, the Upstate Breast Care Center offers
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Upstate Breast Care Center
treatment and support you need.
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Dr. Greco and Dr. Keeney joined the practice at
Upstate University Hospital Community Campus to d create the  rst comprehensive breast care center in
r the community, utilizing their expertise in the areas of benign and malignant breast disease.
With the majority of our services located under one roof, the Upstate Breast Care Center offers
Breast Biopsy; Breast Care; July 2003-June 2004
© 2016 Upstate Breast Care Center All Rights Reserved Powered by Total Advertising
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