Page 44 - new release catalog May 2020
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A Growing Market
The European Fine Art Foundation (TEFAF) 2014 Art Market Report shows the fine art
1 markethit$53.9billionwith32millionsalesin2014. Withsuchvalueplacedonfineart
and the potential to involve millions of dollars, the monetary incentive for art forgery is obvious and ever growing. The Fine Arts Expert Institute (FAEI), an organization that
uses state of the art methods to authenticate artwork, estimates that 50% of fine art circulating the market is fake 2 resulting in a multi-billion dollar counterfeit art industry.
The Need for a New Standard
Increasingly sophisticated methods of forgery, especially for a reproducible art form that can generate multiples like photography, have proven to fool even industry experts. In
fact, many artist authentication bodies are no longer providing authenticity certificates. With scarce authentication services and lack of credible resources, art forgers are going as far as luring unsuspecting buyers with fabricated provenance and certificates of authenticity.
National Geographic | Fine Art Galleries has partnered with to establish an authentication method for our products. The eTitle process allows us to detail the origin of each piece of art photography we sell, while enabling our clients to confirm the authenticity and condition of their artwork at time of purchase. These eTitles are exclusively provided to new National Geographic | Fine Art Galleries artwork purchased from a National Geographic | Fine Art Gallery.
By purchasing a National Geographic | Fine Art Galleries artwork with a eTitle, clients can be confident that:
1 TEFAF Art Market Report 2014,
The Solution
National Geographic has a long-standing reputation of conservation and protecting the importance of natural places and wildlife with every photographic creation. National Geographic | Fine Art Galleries is proud to expand these core values and be the first art
photography galleries to offer real-time, on-site registration and authentication. guage
2 Over 50 Percent of Art is Fake, October 13, 2014, percent-of-art-is-fake-130821
3 Art and Finance Report 2014, Deloitte/ArtTactic, Opera_Europa_Deloitte_Art_Finance_Report2014.pdf