Page 6 - CCC January 2018
P. 6

Welcome to the Creative Cinema Collective
 From our infographic on the previous
page, it is clear that there is a crisis facing the world’s youth today - one of youth employability. Will the youth of today be able to find jobs tomorrow? Will they be able to transition from academia to employment? Why is this crisis particularly pronounced in Asian countries? We asked ourselves these questions and drawing on our experience in youth empowerment, developed the Creative Cinema Collective as a way to tackle this crisis.
The Creative Cinema Collective (aka the CCC) works to alleviate youth unemployability by grooming the next generation of filmmakers. Film (and other entertainment mediums) are key in developing countries, as depicted in our infographic section ‘the world entertainment market’. As we already have the festival platform (our HIFF), we developed the CCC to bring you, the aspiring filmmaker, together with the film industry as the next generation of filmmakers. With our collaboration with European Confederation of Junior Enterprises (JADE), we will also equip you with the business skills to ensure you remain and thrive in the industry.

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