Page 46 - Cinnamon Network Annual Report 2019/20
P. 46
The Cinnamon Networks – Notes to the Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 March 2020
Grants to institutions Direct staff costs Indirect costs Micro grants
Church & societal engagement
Direct staff costs Direct other costs Indirect costs Church & societal engagement
Volunteer leadership training
Direct staff costs Direct other costs Indirect costs Volunteer leadership training
Project innovation and support
Grants to institutions Direct staff costs Direct other costs Indirect costs Project innovation and support
Total charitable activites
Unrestricted funds Year ended 31 Mar 2020
Restricted funds Year ended 31 Mar 2020
Total continuing operations Year ended 31 Mar 2020
Discontinued operations Year ended 31 Mar 2020
Total funds Year ended 31 Mar 2020
- 1 327 20 053
21 380
48 656 15 477 56 341
102 474
3 951 - 3 800
7 7 751
- 2 2 302 41
268 45 024
88 594 238 199
66 800
333 5 5 035
72 168
119 495 59 316 32 688
211 499
9 021 - 954
9 9 975
77 737 975
52 638 19 077
150 427 444 069
66 800
- 1 660 - 25 088 - 93 548 - 168
151 - 74
793 - 89 029 - 331 973 - 12 972 - - - - - 4 4 754 - 17 726 - 77 737 - 3 277 - 93 906 - 64 101 - 239 021 - 682 268 - 66 800
1 660 25 088 93 548 168
151 74
793 89 029 331 973 12 972 - 4 4 754 17 726 77 737 3 277 93 906 64 101 239 021 682 268 £££££
Cinnamon Network charity no 1156985 Annual Report 1 1 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020