Page 13 - FlyFIT Glossary
P. 13

    Extended Arm Rotation
 • Hold the ends of one dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip
• Extend your arms forward at chest height
• Alternate bringing one hand over and under as you twist the weight (drive the car)
     Transverse Shoulder
    Farmer Carry
   • Hold a heavy weight in one hand, extend it towards the ceiling over your shoulder
• Maintain the weight position as you layer in sagittal lower body movements such as marching or lunging
      Sagittal Shoulder
     Fast Feet
• •
Bend your knees and drop your hips down and back
Keeping your chest lifted, quickly “run” your feet underneath your hips as fast as you can
o In Place*
o Travel: Sideways^ or Front to back*
o Rotation#: continue “running” as you take 90° turns
o Drop*: Drop to a plank and then pop back up continuing to “run”
o Jump*: Plant your feet, Jump Squat then land low and continue fast feet o Tuck*: Plant your feet, Tuck Jump then land low and continue fast feet
   * Sagittal Metabolic
* Sagittal Lower Body ^ Frontal Metabolic
^ Frontal Lower Body
# Transverse Metabolic # Transverse Lower Body
    Full Extension / Body Crunch
   • Lie down on your back; lift your legs to a tabletop position with a 90° bend in your knees
• With your hands behind your head, contract your upper abdominals and lift your head /neck / shoulders off the floor as you draw your knees inwards
• Extend your legs low to the floor as you open your chest and look to the ceiling; shoulder blades hover
o Hands can go under your pelvis / to the side of your hips / interlaced behind your head
o Lower spine modification - soften the knees o Hip modification – rotate the legs outward
       Sagittal / Upper & Lower Abdominal / Front Core

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