Page 24 - FlyFIT Glossary
P. 24
Reverse Crunch
• Lie down on your back and extend your legs toward the ceiling
• Contract your lower abdominals and lift your hips off the floor
• Resist as you lower your hips back down Options:
o Hold a weight on your pelvis
o Arms: Hands can go under your pelvis / to the side of your hips / interlaced behind your head
Sagittal / Lower Abdominal / Front Core
Rope Climb
• Lie down on your back; bend your knees towards the ceiling and keep your feet flat on the floor
• Lift your head / neck / shoulders off the floor
• Reach your right arm across your body and turn your shoulders to the left,
then repeat with your left arms reaching right
• Alternate side to side, reaching and twisting as you “climb the rope”
Transverse / Obliques / Side Core
Rotational Crunch
• Lie down on your back; bend your knees towards the ceiling and keep your feet flat on the floor
• With your hands behind your head, contract your upper abdominals and lift right shoulder across to the left
• Resist as you lower your upper body back down then repeat twisting to the other side
Transverse / Obliques / Side Core
Rotational Split Jump
• Face forward with your feet hips distance apart
• Twist your toes and hips to the right, bend both knees and tap the floor with
your left hand
• Jump or step your feet and hips to the left, bend both knees and tap the floor with your right hand
• Repeat side to side
Transverse Metabolic Transverse Lower Body