Page 27 - FlyFIT Glossary
P. 27

    Side Plank
 • Balancing on one hand or forearm, stack your hips and feet and come to a side plank
• Extend your free arm towards the ceiling / on your hip / behind your head / with or without weight
• Hips remain stacked, legs may be stacked / staggered / one knee bent / both knees bent / top leg raised
o Hip Lift^: hips lift towards the ceiling and then lower to hover
o Knee Pull^: Bend your top leg and draw your knees towards your
o Thread#: Reach your top arm / elbow under your ribs twisting your shoulders towards the mat; return to the original stacked position
      ^ Frontal / Obliques / Side Core
# Transverse / Obliques / Side Core
    Side Shuffle
   • Stand in a low squatting position with your toes forward
• Step together with your left foot then out with your right foot, in with your
right then out with your left
• Continue this movement in a side to side movement
      Frontal Metabolic Frontal Lower Body
• Jump laterally side to side, landing on the same leg as the direction you are jumping towards
• Back leg will remain bent and lifted in a “curtsy” (modification: place the ball of the back foot down for increased stability)
o Classic^: as written above
o Twist#: reach across and down for the back foot
   ^ Frontal Metabolic
^ Frontal Lower Body
# Transverse Metabolic # Transverse Lower Body
    Ski Jumps
   • Bend your knees and drop your hips down and back
• Jump and pull your knees up as you propel yourself to the right and land on
both feet
• Repeat the jump to land left
      Frontal Metabolic Frontal Lower Body

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