Page 30 - FlyFIT Glossary
P. 30
Sumo Squat
• Begin with feet wide, toes heels tracking outside of hips, toes turned out on a 45° angle
• Soften knees as you lower your hips, ideally until thighs track parallel with the floor
• Make sure your knees do not roll forward and that your chest remains lifted
• As you rise to neutral, tuck your tailbone under and further squeeze your glutes
once your legs have straightened
o Classic: Stay in place
o Lateral Sumo Squat: Step out to the side then descend
Frontal Lower Body
• Lie on your stomach and extend your arms and legs long
• Lift your arms and / or your legs off the mat
• Resist as you lower back down Styles:
o Lift and Lower: as described above
o Swim: alternate lifting opposite arms and legs
o Frog Legs: Heels together, knees turned out
o Isolate the upper or lower body
o Neck/Shoulder modification – place your hands behind your head
Sagittal / Back Core
Superhuman with Band
• Place the band over the barre and hold the ends about 12 inches from the end with an overhand grip
• Lie down on your stomach and push away from the mirror so that your shins are off the mat
• Keeping your shoulders pressed away from your ears, lift your chest off the mat and draw your elbows towards your ribcage
• Hover your chest off the mat as you extend your arms forward
Sagittal / Back Core Frontal Back / Chest