Page 33 - FlyFIT Glossary
P. 33

    Tricep Overhead Band Extension
 • Place your band over the barre in the center of the mat
• Interlace your fingers over the band with a 8-10 inch tail coming out of the
pinky side of your fists
• Face the center of the room on your knees and press the balls of your feet into the floorboard; lean / press your thighs, hips and torso forward
• Hugging your upper arms into your ears, extend your lower arms towards the center of the room and then resist as you bend at the elbow and release a little of the tension on the band
     Sagittal Tricep
    Tricep Standing Overhead Weighted Extension
 • Hold one weight between two hands or two weights divided and pressed together
• Feet are hips width distance apart in parallel; knees softly bent
• Extend your arms pressing the weights overhead
• Hugging your biceps in towards your ears, bend your elbows and lower the weights behind your head
• Activating your triceps, press the weights back up towards the ceiling.
     Sagittal Tricep
    Tricep Supine Weighted Flexion and Extension
 • Lie down with a bend in your knees, place your feet flat, hips-width apart
• Pick up a heavy set of dumbbells and press them together, towards the ceiling
• Draw your extended arms overhead until they reach a 45° angle from the floor
• Bend your elbows, lowering the weights towards the floor
• Engage your triceps and resist as you extend your arms on the 45° angle
     Sagittal Tricep
    Tuck Jump
   • Bend your knees and drop your hips down and back
• Jump straight up and pull your knees up to hip height in mid air
      Sagittal Metabolic Sagittal Lower Body

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