Page 4 - Tropic Star Newsletter 2018.indd
P. 4

Margot Vincent, who has been fishing with us for many years and has multiple world records, joined us with her grandson, Kyle Vincent, who holds multiple world records as well. Kyle re- leased a personal Grand Slam on one of their days out, releasing a Black Marlin, Blue Marlin and Sailfish. During the week Margot and Kyle had some fantastic fishing which we were fortunate to share with them. We love having Margot
down here with us as she is an in-
spiration to female and younger an-
glers alike.
Ralph Dick traveled down from Canada with only one mis- sion– to catch a Marlin. And catch a Marlin he did! Ralph accomplished a goal that he had been after for many years. On his first day on the water Ralph released a Grand Slam before noon. A 100 lb Pacific Sailfish, and his first 300 lb Blue Marlin and first 350 lb Black Marlin! Over the course
of the week Ralph released more Marlin than most anglers get to do in a lifetime and achieved a feat that few anglers complete.
The staff here were all very excited to see the return of Marty and Bobby Ivey. Last time they were here Bobby released a 600 lb Black Marlin and a Grand Slam. At the fishing talk she shared her lofty goal of releasing another Grand Slam. She got ex- actly what she asked for: Bobby released a Black Marlin and Pacific Sailfish while Marty released a beauty of a Blue Marlin to complete the Boat Slam. The Iveys fished with new Captain Lorenzo, who has been a mate for many years, and it was his first Grand Slam as a captain.
Marty and Mitch Firestein are a father son fishing duo from southern California. They are some of the fishiest people you could ever hope to meet with a love for the sport and its participants. I al- ways enjoy catching up with the gents and seeing the toys they bring.
They bring beautiful fishing lures which we rig up here at the lodge. Their lures worked well as Mitch got his personal Grand Slam releas- ing a Black Marlin, Blue Marlin and Pacific Sailfish! Congrats, Mitch!
Nick Bischoff along with his dad, Steve, visited us from Florida. The guys brought along friends Wes Wooten and Mark
Robitaille. The Bischoffs are
experienced anglers so they let Wes have the first go on the rod. Wes was rewarded with a 550 lb Black Marlin, his first. The group of guys released multiple Sailfish and another large Black female of 500 lb. The highlight was their second day on the water when the guys released a boat Grand Slam releasing a Blue Marlin, Black Marlin and a Pacific Sailfish.
Sam and Jennifer Galloway visit us each year with family and friends, Tom and Katherine Dough- erty. This year they brought along Bill and Jim Dougherty and Martha and
Frank Dougherty. The group experienced lots of excitement on the water. Tom released a personal Grand Slam, releasing a Black Mar- lin, Blue Marlin, and Sailfish. Tom also went on later in the week to be part of two Boat Slams where their boat released a Black Marlin, Blue Marlin, and Pacific Sailfish. The group fished a two boat fleet and all had fantastic fishing catching nearly 50 Dorado and suc- cessfully releasing 24 billfish for the week.
Guests from Arkansas, Donald and Martha Goldman, joined us in Piñas Bay to target some giant Marlin. Donald and I agree that ladies make better anglers than men and this week Martha showed everyone just that. Martha released a 700 lb Black Marlin for her biggest of the week. Martha also landed a Yellowfin Tuna of over 250 lb. Donald released his fair share of Marlin during the week, along with some extra-large Dorado.

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