Page 13 - WHAT | Liberty Talks
P. 13
Richard Games
Rebecca Goldstein
Victoria Gray Bross
Lilli Green
Betsy Groban
Rick Grossman
Audrey Haas
Stephanie Helm
Joseph Himmelsbach
Richard & Kari Hoffmann
David Hood
Ann Howard & Emilie Marks
Kathryn Hubby
Janet Hymowitz
Jill & Bob Jaffe
Kerrie Gilligan Jordan
Andrea Kalacznik
Carol Karlmann
in memory of Jo, Eileen & Gail
Eugene Kelly
Wendy Kesselman
Eddie Keyes
in honor of Jim Rohrer & Katie Hickey
Frederick Kilguss
Anne Kilguss
Vanessa King
Richard Kingsbury & Brenda Song
Jeremy & Janet Klasnauer Wise
In memory of Barbara Wise
Carol Kleiner
Carol & Sanford Krieger
Jill Landsford
Jan Latanzi
Mary Schimley & Tryon Lecakes
Amelia LeClair
Katherine Letourneau
Antoinette Levin
Siobhan Thompson Levinson
Jane Lisy & Paul Wadsworth
Daniel Lombardo
Jan Lower
Stephen and Zella Ludwig
Anthony Lustigman
Carol Magenau
Toby Mardis & Jonathan Katz
Michael & Jennifer Maria
Kai Maristed
Bruce McCann
Stephania & James McClennen
Ann McQueen
Philip & Debra Miller
Anita Morck
Kim Nelson
John Robert Salsberg & Holly Newman
Ross Novack
James Olney
Wanda Olson
Brian O'Malley, MD
Christopher Ostrom
Craig Ostrom
Open University of Wellfleet
Harding Ounanian Jr
Esther Paster
Wulf & Renate Paulick
Carol & Dave Penfield
Barbara Penn
Joel Perwin
Jeff Petrucelly
Debra Piper
David & Marion Pollock
Scott Pomfret
Donna Pomponio
Karen B. Possner
in memory of Merrilee Possner
Lauren Sue Proll
Pam & Evan Provisor
Brian Quigley
in memory of Jackie Quigley
Joseph J. Reardon
Dale & David Rheualt
Mark Rheault
Sandra Rhodes & Robert Singer
Florence R. Richman
in memory of Martin F. Richman
Frank & Helen Risch
Douglas Robertson
Shelley & Nicholas Robinson
Laura & John Roche
Fermin Rojas & Jay Kubesch
Brittany Rolfs
Rich & Barb Ruddy
Rita Rudyak
Fay & John Ruotolo
Jeffrey & Cheryl Sacks
Mike Simons & Peggy Sagan
John and Gail Sampieri
Betsy & Bruce Sanders
Michael Schwartz
Sid Seligman & Carol Lukoff
Curt Sharp & Dean Stein
Carol Sherry
The Estate of Hannah Shrand
David Simpson & Kathleen Fletcher
Samantha Skove
Marybeth Smails
Faina Smith
Liz & Manny Smith
David Smith
Debbie & Rick Sokoler
John Patterson
Deborah Spring
Steven Stahl
Jane & Kent Stahl
Judith Steckler & Dennis Laccavole
Nancy A. Stifel
Gregory Stone
Bill & Sandy Sulski
Richard Summers
James Tingle
John W. Tyler and Eric Ritter
Rosamond Vaule
Rev. Paul Walley
Matt & Mary Ward
Donna R. Ward
David & Sharon Ward
Nicholas Ward
Kirsti Wastrom
Cheryl & Frank Watkinson
Shirley Weber
Kathryn Weill
Judith Rissman
Susan Weinz
Roberta Whalen
Jon & Christine Winder
Virginia & Arthur Zelman
Anonymous (94)
This list includes contributions received prior
to June 1, 2024.
Any errors or omissions are purely
accidental. Please contact us at 508-349-
9428 x102 with corrections.