Page 11 - WHAT | Betrayal
P. 11

Scott A. Allegretti DDS Cape Associates Cape Cod Cannabis Holbrook Oyster Provincetown Brewing Co. Terps Cannabis Winslow’s Tavern
The Wellfleet Beachcomber Frazier Disposal
The Piping Plover Snow’s Fuel
Truro Vineyards WOMR
The Arons Family Foundation Richard Albert Family Foundation Red Auerbach Youth Foundation Howard Bayne Fund
The Cape Cod Foundation The Arts Foundation of Cape Cod
The Phillip Green Foundation
Lucretia Philanthropic Fund
Robert and Ann Newburger Foundation
The Limbach Family Fund
Seamen’s Bank Long Point Charitable Foundation The Shubert Foundation
South Shore Music Circus/Cape Cod Melody Tent
We express our immense gratitude to the hundreds of generous donors who have contributed to WHAT so far this season, enabling extraordinary support for our production and programs. Beginning in 2022, our donor lists no longer include donation levels, as a show of appreciation for our supporters at every level, and in an intentional step to decolonize our fundraising practices.
Levi Adams
Laura Anderson
William Apgar
Mark and Karen Archambault Lois & Fred Armstrong Melinda Asman-Krasting Frank Barnhart
Randy Bartlett
Lee Bartell
Charles & Stephanie Bartlett Bruce Bierhans
Stephen Blakely
Jeffrey Bloomberg Torrance Boone
Len Bowen
KC Turnbull & Dan Bergman Lisa Bergeron
Susan & Bertram Bruce Richard Summers & Ronnie Bloom Betsy Bray
Bill Brown
Marilyn Bruneau
Jeffrey & Janet Buckley
Rita Burke
Jeffrey Cantor-Petrucelly Cape Cod Mosquito Squad Lucy Carlsen
Michael Casey
Tracy Cassidy
Karen and Chris Cheniae
in honor of Frank Risch
Anne Clark
Nancy Clayman
Greg & Cathy Cipriano
Anne Connelly
Betsy Cotton Stephen Craig
Jo Citron
James Connors Joseph D Crowley Irene M. Daitch Michael & Amy Diamant Paul Dolinsky Charlene A. Donaghy Kevin Doyle Michael Eigen
Dan & Teresa English Alvin Epstein
Jim Campen & Phyllis Ewen Frank & Eleanora Fisher Friends of Jim and Katie Robert Fitzgerald Rhoda Flaxman Martin Flusberg Linda Francour
Doug Freeman
Jay & Barbara Gainsboro Susan & Martin Gauthier Peter Galison Richard Games Katherine Gilmour
The Estate of Carol Green Lilli-Ann Green
Betsy Groban Richard Grossman
Jeff Hall-Flavin
In honor of Carol Green David Hay
Robert Henry
Joseph Himmelsbach Doug Green & Heidi Howard Graham Hunt
Jill & Bob Jaffe
Jeffrey Scott Johnson Michael & Suz Karchmer Leon Adler & Lauren Kaufmann Anne Kilguss
Fredrick Kilguss
Kerry Insurance Agency Fermin Rojas & Jay Kubesch Judith Steckler & Dennis Laccavole
Jay Lesenger Lindbrook Capital LLC
The Estate of Susan Lloyd Daniel Lombardo
Jan Lower
Stephen Ludwig
David Sobel & Wendy Lurie James & Lisa Lytle
Jane Macdonald
Carol Macdonald
Carol Magenau
Barry Barnes & John Magin Anita & Michael Malina Michael & Jennifer Maria Rick May & Jeff Tagen Jamie & Stephania McClennen Judith McClelland
Ann McQueen
Joerg Meixner
John Meyer
Richard & Charlotte Miller Leslie Fish & Dick Morrill
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mulroy Adele Niederman Brendan & Bonnie O’Shea Humbert Oliveira
In memory of Bishop Robert E. Mulvee James Olney
Wanda Olson
David & Chris O’Neill Harding Ounanian Jr.
Wulf Paulick
Esther Paster
Sylvia Peck
Dave & Carol Penfield Buddy & Marla Perkel
Joel Perwin
Marion and David Pollock Karen B. Possner
In memory of Merrilee J. Possner Brian Quigley
Susan Quigley
Richard Rand
In memory of Val Rand
Judith Ratzan
Mitchell & Yvonne Relin Mark & Laurie Rheult
David & Dale Rheault Martin & Florence Richman Carmen Richkin
Frank & Helen Risch
C. Madison Riley III & Laura Hewitt

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