Page 198 - Ryman Edu Cat 2019 Demo
P. 198

                                  Maths Class Pack
    Multiples and
Multiplication Pack
Teach and learn number multiples up to 11. Made from high grade durable plastic. Pack contains: 1 x multiple rotating line covers 2 3 4 5 10 11 times table 108cm x 12cm, 1 x multiple rotating line covers 3 4 6 7 8 9 times table 108cm x 12xm, 1 x pack of 30 A4 stepping stones boards, 1 x teacher A2 demonstration board.
Counting Pack
Teach and learn counting on to 120 on one side and then down to minus 20 on the reverse with this versatile dry erase board pack. Made from high grade durable plastic. Pack contains: 1 x A4 pupil counting boards - pack of 30, 1
x A2 teacher counting demonstration board, 1 x 1/2 A4 pupil number line boards - pack of 30, 1 x 1/2 A2 teacher number line demonstration board.
Price Code Description
£59.99 1799010052 Counting Pack
Fractions, Decimals, %, Pie
Equivalent Pack
Teach and learn fractions, decimals, percentages and Pie equivalents. Pack contains a highly visual, large teacher demonstration, 4 in 1 solid wood FDPP board with individual blocks printed on all 4 sides. Pack contains: 1 x fraction, decimals, % pie wooden boards (55x38x6cm), 1 x Pack of 30 pupil FDPP dry erase boards, 1 x FDP laminated flipbook 43.5x11cm.
Price Code Description
£59.99 1799010054 Frac, Dec, %, Pie Equivalent Pack
Measurement Class Pack
This cross curricular versatile class
kit comprises teacher and pupil
plastic dry wipe boards, suitable for measuring, comparing, adding and subtracting, temperature, weight and time. Kit comprises 30 x A5, plus 1 x A2 weight boards, 30 x A5, plus 1 x A2 measures board, 30 x A4, plus 1
x A2 time boards, 5 x folding metre rulers, 6 x pupil elapsed time rulers, 1 x demonstration elapsed time ruler. Age guide 5yrs and upwards.
Price Code Description
Place Value Pack
Multiples and Multiplication Pack
         Teach and learn Place Value with the unique number tabbed Place Value Flipbooks. Pack contains a large teacher demonstration double sided board with a stepped graphic which enables counting into billions. Also includes 30 student versions.
Time Pack
Place Value Pack
          Teach and learn about time. A comprehensive class pack which deals with 12 and 24 hour time in various ways. The 30 student boards all contain the same information. Pack contains: 1 x pack of 30 pupil linear elapsed time rulers 50cm x 4.5cm, 1 x teacher linear time rulers 110cm x 13.5cm, 1 x pack of 30 A4 time boards, 1 x A3 teacher time board.
Time Pack
  £54.99 1799010056 Measurement Class Pack
  Extended Range Available Online at

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