Page 276 - Ryman Edu Cat 2019 Demo
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                                  Shredding Solutions
Ryman Education helps many schools, just like yours, destroy and recycle confidential waste. From shredding sacks and consoles to wheelie bins and bulk collections we have a shredding solution to meet all your business needs.
Do you currently shred inhouse?
Get in touch and let us prove to you how outsourced shredding can boost employee productivity and save you money in the process.
Is your office cluttered with documents which need clearing out?
Let us run through the options and demonstrate how your local depot will give you the optimum cost to service benefits for your one-off purge.
Are you looking to switch providers and save on your scheduled shredding service?
See how much we can save you by switching. Unlike many other providers, we don’t tie you into long 3 year contracts; We retain our customers through delivering a great service.
So why shred?
• ToensureyouareGDPRcompliant
• Financiallossduetofraudistakingplaceat £6,000 per second
• TheICOreportedthatinQ42016,therewasa22%
increase in the number of data security incidents resulting from loss or theft of paperwork
What services & solutions do we offer?
We offer a range of on & off site shredding services tailored to your unique requirements:
• On-siteshreddinginvolvesasecureshreddingtruck visiting your premises and shredding your confidential waste there and then, right in front of you. It’s quick, discreet and very secure
• Off-siteshreddinginvolvescollectingyourmaterialin locked, GPS-monitored trucks and transporting it to a secure local shredding facility where it is shredded, baled and then recycled
• Purgeshreddingisourone-offservicefororganisations needing a clear-out of documents periodically
• Scheduledshreddingisourregularcontractedservice (every 2 or 4 weeks) to remove full shredding sacks or to emptysecurebinsandconsoles
Call us on 08000 288 445 to discuss your bespoke shredding solution

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