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corruption perception index 2012-2022
  In Paraguay, the corruption perception index score reached 28 points in 2022. This represents a two-point decrease in comparison to the previous two years’ score.
them into four subgroups, mainly taking into account the aims pursued by the same, from which the following classification emerges:
a. There would be seven types of legal entities created and used for the development of “non-profit” activities. 1. Registered Associations with Restricted Capacity.; 2. Recognized Public Utility Associations;3. Cooperatives.; 4. Foundations.; 5. Churches and other Religious Confessions; 6. Political Parties and 7. Unions.
b. There would be 11 types of legal entities created and used for the development of activities “for profit, whether commercial, industrial, services or investment”:
1) Individual Limited Liability Company for Profit Purposes (commercial/industrial/services). 2) Simplified Share Company. 3) Open Capital Issuing Public Limited Company. 4) Public Limited Companies. 5) Collective Partnership. 6) Capital Society and Industry. 7) Limited Liability Company. 8) Limited Partnership by Shares. 9) Simple Limited Partnership. 10) Simple Society. 11) Foreign Companies.
c. There would be five types of legal entities whose existence is directly related to activities “for public purposes”, that is, they are directly related to the government and administration of public affairs:
1) Mixed Economy Company for Profit (commercial/ industrial/services) Public – Private. 2) State Company with Public Purposes and/or Profit Purposes
(commercial/industrial/services) Public: These are entities created by law, they have public powers (for example, impose sanctions, pay taxes, expropriate, dictate administrative acts, etc.) and they generally receive funds from the State. 3) Autonomous and Self- Employed Entities. 4) Departmental Governments 5) Municipal Governments.
d. Finally, it is observed that one of the types is created and used for the development of activities that “whether or not they have lucrative purposes” depending exclusively on what is established in their statutes, this would be the case of universities.
threats from Legal entities
Based on the classification carried out for the purposes of the study and in accordance with the definitions of Threat and Vulnerability granted by the Fatf in its Guide for the National Assessment of ML/TF Risks, paragraph 104, the analysis of said factors is done in the scenario of legal entities in the country.
Caveat: Taking into account that Seprelad has already carried out a study of ML/TF risks of Non-Profit Organizations (Osfl), whose guide was published on the website of the same entity, this study was addressed exclusively in determining the level of risk, threat and vulnerability of the group of legal entities created and used.
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