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Montt Group
pRaCTiCaL aREas
Legal and Judicial Services- Mining-Corporate Softlandings and Taxes
inteGraL ServiceS
    Montt Group was created by its founding partner and current president Santiago Montt V. in 1974 with the purpose of offering comprehensive professional services to entrepreneurs and companies in different areas of legal specialization, such as foreign investment, extractive businesses, corporate law, information technology and, in general, the complete universe of legal services. Thus, our businesses include legal services, consulting, tax advice, among others.
A committed attitude aimed at delivering benefits without border limits has allowed us to consolidate a privileged position in the Latin American Region; transform ourselves into a business facilitator in the market and become a platform for the entry of new actors.
One of the bases of our proposal is the delivery of comprehensive services, for which the formation of multidisciplinary teams is a key factor that has been reflected in the consolidation of a collaborative corporate culture. This way of doing things allows us to forge relationships based on trust between our professionals and our clients.
With many decades of experience and with our own offices established in 12 countries in Latin America, United States and Canada, our desire is to search for solutions promptly, since we understand that in our days “time is of the essence”, with the goal of building relationships. long time with our clients.
WE opERaTE iN 12 CouNTRiE: aRGENTiNa, BoLivia, BRaziL, CaNada, ChiLE, CoLoMBia, ECuadoR, MExiCo, paRaGuay, pERu, uRuGuay aNd ThE uNiTEd sTaTEs (MiaMi).
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