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Right to practice medical profession is subject to right to life and proper health care of patients. Kerala Ayurveda Paramparya Vaidya Forum v State of Kerala, AIR 2018 SC 1995.
Article 19(1)(a) - Freedom or choice in the matter of speech and expression is absolutely necessary for an individual to develop his personality in his own way. (State of Karnataka and Another v Associated Management of (Government Recognised-Unaided-English Medium) Primary and Secondary Schools and Others with Nallur Prasad and Others v State of Karnataka and Others with R.G. Nadadur and Others v Shubodaya Vidya Samasthe and Another and State of Karnataka and Others v Mohamed Hussain Jucka, 2014(3) Kar. L.J. 161 (SC) (CB) : AIR 2014 SC 2094 : (2014)9 SCC 485).
Right to information is integral part of right to free speech and expression subject to reasonable restrictions under Article 19(2). (Chief Information Commissioner and Another v State of Manipur and Another, 2012(1) Kar. L.J. 629 (SC) : AIR 2012 SC 864 : 2012 AIR SCW 651).
Articles 19(1)(a) and (b) gives constitutional right to all citizens freedom of speech and expression which includes carrying out public demonstration also, but public demonstration when becomes violent and damages the public and private properties and harm lives of people it goes beyond fundamental rights guaranteed under Article 19(1) and becomes an offence punishable under law. (Bimal Gurung v Union of India and Others, AIR 2018 SC 1459).
The law should not be used in a manner that has chilling effects on the ‘freedom of speech and expression’. (S. Khushboo v Kanniammal, AIR 2010 SC 3196 : (2010)5 SCC 600).
Freedom of press - Criticism of judgment delivered in murder trial - Media should act with restraint and act in responsible manner - Rajendra Sail v Madhya Pradesh High Court Bar Association, AIR 2005 SC 2473 : (2005)6 SCC 109).
Non-violent protest march to air grievances is fundamental right - Police can use force to maintain public order. (Anita Thakur v State of J&K, AIR 2016 SC 3803 : (2016)15 SCC 525).
Media should play positive role in reporting the Court proceedings. (S. Khushboo v Kanniammal, AIR 2010 SC 3196 : (2010)5 SCC 600).
A child or on his behalf his parent or guardian, has a right to freedom of choice with regard to the medium of instruction in which he would like to be educated at the primary stage in school. (State of Karnataka and Another v Associated Management of (Government Recognised-Unaided-English Medium) Primary and Secondary Schools and Others with Nallur Prasad and Others v State of Karnataka and Others with R.G. Nadadur and Others v Shubodaya Vidya Samasthe and Another and State of Karnataka and Others v Mohamed Hussain Jucka, 2014(3) Kar. L.J. 161 (SC) (CB) : AIR 2014 SC 2094 : (2014)9 SCC 485).
A private unaided school which is not a minority school and which does not enjoy the protection of Articles 29(1) and 30(1) of the Constitution can choose a medium of instruction for imparting