P. 1
Feedback is a process where students receive some hints about a preview task. On
academic essays, a feedback could have some positive and negative effects. Personally, I
think that a feedback will help students to improve their final assignments. However,
there are some students that think a feedback is a waste of time.
One advantage is that a feedback helps students to improve their writing skills during the
process. According to (Paulus, 1999), in the writing process is a need that the teacher and
classmates gives some advice. Because of it, students can develop and improve their final
tasks. I think that it is an advantage, but sometimes, some students feel much pressure
because of requirements that their teachers ask them to do.
Another advantage is when a teacher gives a feedback, he/ she teaches some strategies to
improve their writing. (Paulus, 1999) said, teachers would like to teach students strategies
to generate ideas. They hope that students improve their levels with feedbacks. Some
teachers think that a peer feedback is a good idea, but I think that it could be difficult.
According to (Hall, Mk, Kingdom, & Richardson, n.d.), to have an effective feedback,
people need to be objective, clear and meaningful. However, some classmates do not take
it seriously. Instead of help to improve, they provoke confusion. Because of that, I think
that it is better that a feedback should deal by a teacher.
The last advantage is that a feedback help to realize about grammar errors. After the
feedback, students can correct their errors. They change native expression to academic
expression. Teachers ask them to be clear to express well their ideas. On the other hand,
(Bitchener, Young, & Cameron, 2005) said, that the feedback could be harmful and it
should be avoided on academic writing.
As a conclusion, the feedback could give students some advantages. However, teachers
should be careful when they use strategies as peer feedback. Also, students need to
understand that a feedback has the objective to help to improve not misunderstand it.
Erika Valencia Jácome