P. 20
Eunoia BOOKS ON the SOUL Divine
Amorluz IV+ Salvifica
The Wonder Books: Spell Belle I-IV
On Winged Beauty: A SoulmetrY
On The Beautiful Ladder to the Soul DivinE
The Holy Word: Blake IV**
Love SongS
Literary SongS
Soul SongS
Metaphysical Songs
Philosophical BlossomS
Literary BlossomS
Theological BlossomS
Metaphysical BlossomS
Ontological BlossomS
Creation: Poiesis or Logos IV+
Heaven´s Scroll IV+
Argumentum Divinum: Ergo IV+
The Rivering Waters of Ephesus: Heraclitus IV Miracles in the Waterless Regions: Jesus IV++ The Beautiful Innate: Meno & Theatetus: Plato IV++ The Beautiful Forms: Plato IV++
Poetics of Horror as Holocaust: Hitler & Plato IV++ The Phaedo: Reason & Idea; Plato IV
The Allegory of the Cavern: Plato & Shelley IV Of Beautiful Eunoia & EudaimoniA; Aristotle IV Being´s KaleidoScope: The 1st MoveR: Aristotle IV Forms & Unforms: Aristotle´s Refutation Iv- Kafkabel Jobel & Milton IV+
Embers & Sapphire: Milton IV+ Areol.agit.ica: Milton IV+
Exile: Dante IV+
Prophecy 515: Dante IV+
Empathy & Byron´s Hero IV
Love, Fate & Remorse´s Labyrinth: Sakuntala IV Poetry & Metaphor: Shelley IV Thesmophoria IV
Thesmophorias & Euphorias IV
Absence & Presence´s Loom IV
Being´s Fleur: Eldrich IV
Illusion: Rousseau IV
Eternity´s Love Epitaph: Bronte IV Metapoiesis & Truth IV+
Infinite Medea: EuripideS IV
Licenses & Silences: Burke IV
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