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Borges, Jorge Luis. Collected Fictions. Trans. Andrew Hurley. “Argumentum Ornithologicum” NY, USA: The Penguin Group. Viking. 1998.
Blake, William. The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake. Songs of Innocence & Experience. The Divine Image.” New York, Anchor Books, Random House, 1988.
Deleuze & Guattari. Rizoma. Trad. José Vázquez y Umbelina Larraceleta. Valencia: Ediciones de Minuit, 1976.
Euripides. The Bacchae. Trans. Nicholas Rudall. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1996.
Galiet & Galiet. Oneyoume. Valley of the Moon: House of Eunoia Press, 2000.
Hesse, Hermann. Siddharta. Trans. Hilda Rosner. New York: A New Directions Book, 1951.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. On the Genealogy of Morality. Trans. Maudemarie Clark and Alan J. Swensen. Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 1998.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. Twilight of the Idols & the Anti-Christ. Trans. R.J. Hollingdale. London: Penguin Books, 1990.
Plato. Complete Works. Republic. Ed. John M. Cooper. Indianapolis, Hackett Publishing, 1997.
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