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 Message From The CEO, NGCOA Canada • Jeff Calderwood
  The First Tee
2020: The Most Dynamic Golf Season Ever
2020 will go down in history as the year that two global impacts permanently changed societies around the world... COVID-19 and the Anti-Racism movement. In this issue, Golf Business Canada addresses the implications of both on the Canadian golf industry.
Our cover story addresses the sensitive realities of Diversity and Inclusion. Although Canada may be ahead of many others, the tragedy of George Floyd and subsequent protests in over 50 countries draws important attention to the fact that we all still have a long way to go.
In January, I attended a very insightful town hall meeting at the PGA Show in Orlando, conducted by Dr. Michael Cooper, Chairman of the Golf 20/20 Diversity Task Force. The predominately Black audience included only a few Caucasians, so it was certainly a different perspective than our golf industry usually offers, and a very valuable one at that. In addition to the spotlight on systemic unfairness, the huge opportunities for golf’s growth and success were very apparent.
I would suggest that diversity is the easy part, whether we’re addressing race, gender, sexual orientation, age or any other demographic profile. The harder part is to accomplish true inclusion, and that’s where the solution has the ultimate impact. Diversity is largely a “quantitative” measurement of what proportion are from each demographic and how well that data aligns with society at large. It’s an important first step.
Inclusion is the “qualitative” reality of how each person feels about their participation. It is much more about values, intentions, behaviour and the emotional connections from these. In business terms, inclusion relates to creating the appropriate culture of your golf course operation, which then becomes part of your brand. Whether we’re talking about employees or customers, your success probably has great upside potential in fostering a more diverse and inclusive culture in addition to the altruistic reasons for doing the right thing.
In terms of the COVID-19 impact on your golf operation, it has been quite a roller coaster ride for most golf courses. From the health concerns to the
uncertainty of not knowing if or when golf courses could open, to the exceptionally high demand once we did open, 2020 has been a dynamic one.
Canadian golf appears destined to have a good year overall. Despite the challenges, golf courses continue to be busy and there are some COVID-19 silver linings emerging for many golf operations. This issue of Golf Business Canada brings you two of these for your consideration: the advantages of prepaid foursomes, and successfully transitioning to online golf shop sales. Both articles can really benefit your golf operations.
We round out this issue with a great social media article on Creating Killer Video Content, a full listing of Take A Kid To The Course participating members, NGCOA Canada member feedback on our COVID-19 support, and our Parting Shot insights from President, Lesley McMahon.
Enjoy the read, and all the best for the balance of this exceptional golf season!
Jeff Calderwood, CEO NGCOA Canada
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