Page 47 - GBC winter 2015
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Sound Off!
Connect and Create a Rapport
It is all about supporting the industry and growing the game. Being a part of a golf trade show allows you to connect and create a rapport with potential customers and guests in the local area. The primary attendees of the show are golfers, so that first correlation is already made. From this you are able to expand your local database to reach out to these potential customers during the season.
The shows are a great way to showcase and market what makes your course worth visiting. You can promote what you have to offer to the consumer world with innovative ideas to grow the game and learn about new products and technology available to offer at your course.
Being a part of a golf trade show gives you the opportunity to network with other course representatives and it is a great way to learn what is working and not working for other local courses.
Holly Nunn, Sales & Events Manager Big Sky Golf Club, Pemberton, BC
Fantastic Retail
The Atlantic GOLFEXPO is a great opportunity for Gowan Brae to promote our golf course to golf enthusiasts from all over the Maritimes. At the same time, having over 2000 customers walk through our mobile pro shop in March is a great sales opportunity. It would take at least a full week mid-season to have that kind of traffic in the pro shop, so two days in March is a great retail opportunity.
Adam Chamberlain, Director of Golf Gowan Brae Golf Club, Bathurst, NB
Golf Business Canada wants
to hear from you! This is your opportunity to weigh in on how key issues in the golf industry impact your business. If you would like to share your thoughts please contact Shawn Hunter, Managing Editor,
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