Page 15 - GBC summer 2015
P. 15

Because Ontrak Procurement is more than just food and beverage, we are your connection to a complete range of services that you need to run your golf facility. With our purchasing power, Ontrak is able to negotiate the best supplier agreements to give you substantial savings.
FlexiBle PrOgram FOr NgCOa memBers that Will Put NON-FOOd PurChases aNd serviCes uP tO Par With yOur FOOdserviCe OPeratiONs:
Where full-service procurement is par for the course
> JaNitOrial
> FOOd
> Beverage aNd muCh mOre
> CleaNiNg equiPmeNt & suPPlies
> Bar & KitCheN suPPlies > saFety PrOduCts
> liNeN reNtal
> uNiFOrms
> OFFiCe suPPlies > lightiNg
Contact Karyn Tindall at 416-805-6760 or for more information on enjoying all the procurement services available with your Ontrak membership

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