Page 36 - GBC summer 2015
P. 36

“Know your areas of brilliance and delegate everything else. Do those things that only you can do as the manager and delegate the rest.“
5) Focus on the Long-Term
After profits, focus everyone on the fact that you are in business for the long haul. Do not be short-term oriented. Business is a marathon, not a sprint. Do what is right, al- ways. Maintain the highest integ- rity and ethics. Your reputation is everything. Business is about sus- taining lifelong relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, advisers, etc. Repeat business is ab- solutely critical to the very life force of your company. Do not take shortcuts.
6) Focus on Having Fun
Lastly, focus on having fun. Celebrate worthwhile progress toward your goals. Celebrate your company’s successes often and reward your employees for superior performance. Come up with excuses to praise your team and recognize success. Share the joy. Make coming to work a meaningful and fulfilling event. In fact, appoint a CFO (Chief Fun Officer). Empower this person to come up with clever ideas, based on employee feedback, which will put some excitement and fun into the work environment.
Never forget, often as important as a paycheck, good employees want to learn and grow, be challenged and rewarded, and fulfill their cravings to be social beings. Make your culture an enjoyable place to work.
Don’T MIcRo-MAnAgE
Real leadership is rare; micro- management is all too common. Stop trying to play every darn instrument yourself and start conducting the orchestra. If you don’t conduct who will?
Don’t be a super-worker, be a supervisor! Stop the “I’ll do it myself” and “No one does it as well as I do” attitudes. Learn to delegate. If someone else can do something 80-90% as well as you, give it up! Do not spend a dollar’s worth of time on a dime task. Know your areas of brilliance and delegate everything else. Do those things that only you can do as the manager and delegate the rest. You need to free up time to do Manager Activities that make the vision a reality. However, be sure to delegate, not abdicate or dump. Stay in touch with the person and their progress.
To help with delegation, you must have the work to be done well defined. You cannot delegate non-specifics. Next, you must adopt the attitude that your time is valuable and learn to discriminate between various activities. Before doing a task, ask, “Does this task lead directly to increased profits, signifi- cantly reduced costs, improved customer satisfaction, or to me building a better Golf Facility.
By all means get out of the way of your workers. Don’t meddle. Instead of doing their jobs, help them to clarify their roles, responsibilities, goals, and tasks and then simply hold them accountable for getting things done.
Be sure to monitor your employees’ performance, don’t try to control them. Coach more and play less in the game.
Leadership is less about doing, moreaboutthinking,planning,and overseeing what others do. You are to create jobs, not work a job.
Followers want their leaders to be bold, focused and decisive. As such,makethingshappen!Donot get caught up in the “ready, aim, aim, aim” loop. After sufficient thinking and analysis, have the guts to “fire,” to make things happen. Here are some suggestions: • Generally, inaction is more costly
than action. Implementing a good idea today is usually a better strategy than waiting several months for a possible great idea.
•Mosttimes,valuemovementover meditation, action over analysis.
• Even with limited information,
continue to make decisions. Don’t
• Know where you are going and why. •Goforgrowthoverstatusquo.
Don’t settle for the ordinary.
• Have a zeal for focusing on important goals and having a
bias for action.
• Have a good plan but have great
I hope this article will instill
some action on your behalf to improve your leadership skills. Enjoy your summer on the links!
Golf Business Canada
Golf Business Canada

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