Page 30 - GBC Spring 2023 Eng
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  we communicate with those generations and how our own habits may cause problems. I ask people to assess four areas: talking, creating messages, listening and giving feedback. Rate each area from 1 (poor) to 10 (great). The rating will tell you where personal challenges exist.
Ask other people, whom you converse with regularly, to assess you in these same areas. But take care! The results might be different (but hopefully better) than you thought.
Take that information and consider it under the lens of who you are communicating with. Here are five tips that should be implemented with other generations:
The Communication
 Topic Boomer Generation X Generation Y Generation Z
Get a job & stay with it
Hard to find, take a McJob
Jobs are a dime a dozen
Interesting & Current
Loyalty to Employers
Work my way to the top
This could lead to the top
If I can’t get Saturday off, I’ll quit!
Value & Ethical Alignment
“Tell” me what to do
“Show” me what to do
“Why do I have to learn this?”
Latest technology
Limited knowledge
           TIP #1: STOP YOUR BAD HABIT
Correct your worst communication habit. If it’s talking, learn how to curb the amount of time you talk. If it is message creation, get better at clear and concise messages. If it’s listening, figure out how to give someone 100% of your attention. If it is feedback, decide how best to confirm understanding in an interaction.
Too often people focus on what they have to say and have difficulty managing the amount of time they talk. When this happens, it is easy
to lose your listener because their ability to attend to you is long gone after the first minute or two. It is better to ask your listener questions to gain understanding rather than being the speaker all the time.
Listening is not an easy skill, especially when there are so many things that can divert our attention. It’s also easy to want to chime into a conversation too early. People are eager to speak up and often say it is because they are afraid they will forget what they wanted to say. But more importantly, it’s important to
learn how to “shut up”. You can’t listen effectively if you are talking (especially those interrupters). When you listen well, you are in a better position to confirm the accuracy of the sender’s message to make sure you are both on the same page.
We understand IQ stands for intellectual quotient – our ability to learn. In communication, we need to be aware of our emotional quotient (EQ) – our ability to be aware and interpret messages from
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