Page 16 - GBC Spring 2019 ENG
P. 16
Don Holmstrom
Don was a founder of Eagle Quest Golf and its President for 8 years. He is currently President of Value Drivers Inc., which is an advisory services firm providing strategic, operational, financial, and exit planning support to entrepreneurial golf companies. Contact Don at or at 604-374-0267.
Golf Business Canada
As golf course owners and opera- tors, your goal is to create the best possible experience for your cus- tomers and provide an engaging and rewarding workplace for your staff, while creating value for your shareholders. Having clarity about business value drivers that impact your business will help you achieve these goals.
Business value drivers are key
nancial and operational levers that
you as owners and management
can push and pull to help drive
pro tability and value for your
business...but who cares about 6 these levers?
• Business owners should, as they can leverage these drivers for higher pro t, greater return on investment and increased value for their golf course.
• Banks and other nancial institu- tions look at drivers when assessing credit-worthiness.
• Potential buyers scrutinize these drivers when comparing invest- ment opportunities.
• Board of directors, member boards and membership committees review these drivers to assess the performance of the executive and management team.