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1st Place Idea
We’ve corralled the best of the best ideas! Presented by Kubota Canada, the Great Canadian Idea Round Up is one of the most highly regarded and bene cial components of the annual Golf Business Canada Conference & Trade Show.
Delegates voted on their favourite revenue boosting or expense manage- ment ideas and we are pleased to present the four winning ideas in upcoming issues of Golf Business Canada magazine.
Winner “On Course Food & Beverage Delivery”: Slade King, Play Golf Calgary, AB
2nd place “Staff Scheduling Software”: Lee Tamburano, Canadian G&CC, ON
3rd place “Tournament Sidewalk Sale”: Jenifer Wright, Westwood Plateau G&CC, BC
4th place “Wine Around the Globe”: Carol McCarthy, Cottonwood G&CC, AB
On Course Food & Beverage Delivery
As a result of this initiative, we increased service to all golfers and lowered costs, as we could cancel our beverage cart on slower days but increase our service. We also bene ted from a higher cheque average from those who ordered through the app vs a typical food & beverage sale. This was due to golfers seeing our full menu of offerings and having a little more time to select exactly what they wanted.
We launched this program at all 4 of our golf courses with green fees ranging from $55- $120. The program worked at all courses regardless of customer type, staf ng levels, or golfer expectations. We started with our halfway house menu and are expanding the selection next year to include a handful of hot items from the kitchen.
Will there come a day when the delivery cart replaces the beverage cart? Time will tell...
Our 1st Place Winner, Slade King will be given an opportunity to choose the Kubota tractor, mower, or utility vehicle of his choice. The selected Kubota vehicle will be delivered to his facility, and will be theirs for one full season. Kubota also provided the top four winners with generous gift baskets.
Slade King, Play Golf Calgary, AB
We are always looking for ways to improve service, improve revenues, or cut costs. This year, we found a way to accomplish all 3!
We offered on course food & beverage delivery using our app, developed by Gallus Golf. You can build a menu and have golfers order directly through the app. Golfers place their order, select what hole they are on, and what colour of clothing they are wearing. The golfer has the option to pay for the items through the app, or pay upon delivery.
Once their order is placed, a noti cation pops up on a software running in the background on a designated computer or tablet.
The food & beverage team puts the order together in a soft cooler and calls the pro shop for pickup. We decided that the staff who deliver the order must have ProServe (Alberta’s liquor service training program).
The person delivering the order keeps the tip which has motivated more pro shop staff to get their ProServe.
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