Page 24 - GreenMaster Winter 2023
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 slightly higher potassium content can enhance the turf’s winter hardiness. However, it is important to avoid excessive nitrogen that could lead to late-season growth susceptible to winter stress.
Research on fall-applied fertilization has mixed results and is greatly impacted by climate and location. To reduce the risk of losses and environmental contamination through leaching, nitrogen sources used for the late-fall application should release independent of microbial activity due to low air and soil temperatures.
Clearing leaves is extremely important, as a thick layer of fallen leaves can smother the turf, trap moisture, and provide a breeding ground for diseases. Regular leaf removal, along with mowing and proper debris management, keeps the turf free from potential hazards.
In a study at the Guelph Turfgrass Institute, preliminary data shows that leaving leaves on lawn-
Grey snow mould (left) next to pink snow mould patches (right). Pink snow mould patches have a distinctive brown/bronze edge.
24 • CGSA • GreenMaster
height Kentucky bluegrass (even when mulched with a mower) can result in significant bare patches and weed invasion in the following year. If you choose to mulch leaves into turf, ensure that the mowing height is set as high as tolerable to allow for greater incorporation into the canopy.
Conducting soil tests during the fall provides valuable insights into the soil’s nutrient levels and pH. Based on the results, adjustments can be made to fall fertilization programs to ensure the turf receives the necessary nutrients for winter hardiness and spring recovery.
One of the most common consequences of winter injury is the development of snow mould, a fungal disease that thrives under snow cover. Gray snow mould (Typhula spp.) and pink snow mould (Microdochium nivale) are the two primary types that can damage the turf, causing circular patches of dead or damaged grass upon snowmelt.
Works cited:
Based on fungicide efficacy testing in New Jersey, there is no single active ingredient (AI) that can completely prevent gray snow mould. Tank mixes and multi-AI products containing a combination of FRAC groups 3, 11, 12, 14, and M5 is recommended(Clarkeetal.2020). Instrata, Banner Maxx, and Daconil are registered for snow mould suppression in Canada.
Preparing a golf course for winter requires careful planning and execution of various maintenance practices. By following these fall maintenance recommendations, golf course managers and super- intendents can ensure that their turf remains healthy, resilient, and well- prepared to withstand the challenges of winter and set the stage for a vibrant and successful spring season.
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 Clarke, B., P. Vincelli, P. Koch, G. Munshaw. 2020. PPA-1 Chemical Control of Turfgrass Diseases 2020. Cooperative Extension Service.
NIBIO. 2023. SCANGREEN 2019-2022: Turfgrass species, varieties and seed mixtures for Scandinavian putting greens, VOL. 9, NO. 62.
Sidhu, S. Q. J. Huang, R. N. Carrow, D. Jesperson, J. Liu, P. L.Raymer. 2020. A review of a novel enzyme system for the management of thatch and soil water repellency in turfgrass. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 14: 450–461.

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