Page 6 - GreenMaster Fall 2023
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  Unique sense of community
Is there an industry that gets more
hectic and demanding than our Turf industry? I think, I would be hard pressed to find one. Up before the crack of dawn each day, providing a great pallet for those who wish to use it. We try to navigate mother nature and what she is deciding to do or not do on any given day. It is this resiliency that is so unique in our Superintendent fraternity and what makes Canadian Superintendents distinct. From the west to the east, growing grass in Canada is different. We push to achieve great conditions out of the gate in a climate that in most cases is very unfriendly to turfgrass. We do it and often we lose grass, but we push even harder and bring that turf back in the hopes it will survive another winter.
Do we have competition in our industry? Absolutely we do. We are a country with lots of golf courses, and in most cases competing for the same dollar as down the street. However, I can honestly say I have never had any trade secrets that I was not willing to share with another Superintendent. As we have seen many times, when fellow Superintendents need help, our neighbours are the first to answer the call, in whatever way they can.
I believe this is why we are so close as a profession and why I look forward to the events throughout the season. Over the years, I have always pencilled in
local meetings, provincial and national events, trying to make as many as possible. Not only to learn but to network with our great fraternity. We all know society has changed and time is something we all cherish. We cannot do it all and that is okay. Do what you can to stay involved in your associations, because the benefits will be everlasting.
Our Thank a Super day is right around the corner, and it continues to be a great initiative that has spread over the globe. We do not need to stop there, please spread the appreciation. It is safe to say we are only as good as the team we have behind us. Thank all your staff, make a day for them, it goes a long way in building those relationships with the individuals that work at our facilities.
It was a great summer season. Being able to visit with our membership made it even better, but we will not stop there, as the much-anticipated Fall Field Day at Beacon Hall Golf Club will afford us the opportunity to network even more. I am very excited to head east and visit Ontario and hope to see many of you there. I have always said The Fall season is often the best time on the golf course, so make sure to take that extra moment and take it all in. GM
 Dustin Zdan, AGS
 Board of Directors | 2023-2024
Dustin Zdan, AGS, President Blackhawk Golf Club, AB
Pierre Vezeau, AGS, Past President Cooke Municipal Golf Course, SK
John McLinden, AGS, Vice President Ladies’ Golf Club of Toronto, ON
Braydon Gilbert, AGS, Secretary Treasurer and Manitoba Director St. Charles Country Club, MB
Cameron Kusiek, Alberta Director Carnmoney Golf Club, AB
Matthew Blackburn, Atlantic Director Chester Golf Club, NS
T-Jay Creamer, AGS, British Columbia Director Olympic View Golf Club, BC
Jordan Kitchen, AGS, Ontario Director Hamilton Golf and Country Club, ON
Luc Ladoceur, Quebec Director Le Club Laval-sur-le-Lac, QC
Tyler McComas, Saskatchewan Director Dakota Dunes Golf Links, SK
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