Page 22 - GreenMaster Spring 2022
P. 22

Every golf course we visit has hazardous chemicals being used including retail cleaning chemicals. Retail products are exempt under WHMIS Regulations as long as they are used at home for personal use. When brought into a workplace, they now fall under the Federal Hazardous Products Act and must be treated in the same fashion as chemicals purchased from an industrial supplier. Having a safety data sheet for these chemicals and training workers how to safely work with and around them is still a requirement under Duties of Employers in Section 25 of Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act and is part of every Provincial OHS Act. Inspectors will look to see that you have safety data sheets for ALL hazardous chemicals.
What we often suggest to our clients is to reduce the number of chemicals you have on site, especially the retail products. If you buy your chemicals from an industrial supplier, they are required to provide YOU with current safety data sheets so make your life easier and have the company who makes money from you do this leg work for you. If you have to look some up online or can’t find a specific sheet, I.E. No Name brand chlorine, go to the website of a large industrial supplier and download their safety data sheet. Use Petro Canada sheets for your shop products, gasoline and diesel fuel. Inspectors will be happy you have current sheets that have the information on them needed to protect your workers. Remember to do your WHMIS training yearly!
As of July 1, 2016, in Ontario, the requirement stipulating the safety data sheets expire three years after their date of issue has been removed from WHMIS and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. On July 20, 2016, I spoke with a senior member of the Ministry of Labour and they are no longer enforcing this requirement. They are looking to see that employers have safety data sheets for the hazardous chemicals and materials on site, the sheets are adequate to protect the workers and that training in WHMIS
Figure 4. These tools and supplies are being kept in a storage area that is too unsafe for workers to safely access.
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has been done, both generic and workplace specific training. Similar regulations are now being put into effect right across the country so be sure to check your provincial regulations as soon as possible so you can be in compliance and to protect your workers.
Our advice is to keep the safety data sheets within the three-year time frame or have the most “current version available” as sound safety practice. Here is a reason why. A couple of years ago, we were looking at safety data sheets from a large Canadian company for unleaded gasoline and dyed diesel fuel. We know both are in the flammable WHMIS category and noticed both now have the Health Hazard and the Exclamation Mark symbols showing them to be carcinogenic plus eye and skin irritants. Yes, both of these fuels every Superintendent has can cause cancer after repeated exposure so please have employees dispensing these fuels wear nitrile gloves and splash proof goggles.
We recommend having employees complete the mandatory training for WHMIS 2015, workplace violence, harassment and sexual harassment and other programs before they begin employment with you. After they have completed their training and you have the documentation to prove it, they
can start work and you can pay them for their time. There are a number of companies who provide online safety training. Make sure the material being provided is specific to the golf industry, such as CEsafety’s online training.
Back in 2009, we were working with a small family-owned golf club and the Superintendent told me that buying safety videos for mowers, etc. could be very expensive. I suggested he make his own safety videos. The Superintendent explained how to inspect and operate a greens mower while I videoed him doing so. The video was less than two minutes long. We made other short videos on inspecting electrical cords, sprayers and how to sharpen mower blades. You can make your own safety training videos and remember to include the topic of what PPE is to be worn in each video.
Of course, there are many more types of safety precautions a Superintendent should take before opening each Spring, but this list will give you a good place to start. Be proactive and take the precautions to ensure you comply with health and safety requirements and most importantly, to protect you and your staff from injury.
*Please note, this article does not cover all of the safety issues you may encounter and does not replace a qualified safety audit.*

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