Page 30 - Summer eng 2017
P. 30

The 52 page extensive report covers 14 key positions at the golf
course and identifies compensation based on facility type, gross revenues, geography, number of holes and
The recently released 2016 NGCOA Canada Compensation & Benefits Report is used by facilities as an effective management tool to benchmark their operation against similar golf courses. It provides a “market base” to plan appropriate compensation packages for 14 key staff positions.
Number of Employees
Size of facility, length of season and complexity of profit centres impact the number and type of employees in the facilities. Table 1 shows that seasonal or volunteer staff continues to hold 80% of all positions, a trend that was also the case in 2013.
The average staff counts for each employment type above remain very similar to 2013.
Multi-Role Positions
tax status. The report Multi-role positions are very common in the Canadian Golf Industry. For example, 50% of
also looks at benefits such as professional
General Managers play more than one role, a phenomenon more likely to be found in facilities with revenues less than $1 million (55%) than over $2.5 million (28%).
development, Table 2 shows the positions where more than 5% of respondents for a given position indi-
insurance coverage, meals, housing, etc.
cated that the employee has multi-role responsibilities:
To order your copy of the report, contact the NGCOA Canada at 866-626-4264 or NGCOA Canada Member rate: $279 + tax, Non-Member rate: $359 + tax
Golf Business Canada

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