Page 51 - GBC spring 2015
P. 51
Marc Ray, Bay of Quinte Golf & Country Club
Team Edison
We came up with a pricing struc- ture to fill in the off times with dis- counted membership and add val- ue to all the memberships by break- ing down what member services are offered. For each membership category we can add services or take services away, effectively cre- ate dynamic pricing for member- ship based on what the time slot is worth. It’s been successful and we have experienced a large growth in membership.
Sylvain Beaudet, Groupe Beaudet
Team Benjamin Franklin
The goal of the Pimp Squad is to have fun and gather information. We pimped out a golf cart with drinks, golf clubs, and merchan- dise and our staff drove it around the golf course. When they inter- acted with a golfer they would take a picture, give them some free items, and collect their email ad- dress. We would post the picture to our social media sites and it created buzz for our golfers and for our staff while growing our database.
Alon Shatil, East Park Golf Gardens
Team Orville Wright
When we booked our advertising we negotiated that our golf pro would do a series of six lessons with one of the local radio person- alities and that would go on You- Tube. It was called “Sherrie learns to golf at East Park” and was incredibly successful. About 3000 hits on YouTube and the golf pro wrote a regular article in the news- paper column. It created a commu- nity and increased lessons.
Golf Business Canada 51