Page 238 - ro membanes
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Comparison of Granular Media and Membrane Pretreatment
   10.1 Introduction
10.2 Effect of Source Water Quality on Performance
10.3 Surface Area Requirements
221 10.7 Economy of Scale 228
10.8 Filtration Media Replacement
222 Costs 229
224 10.9 Commoditization 230 10.10 Water Production Costs 233
10.4 Quantity and Quality of
Generated Residuals 224
10.11 Concluding Remarks 237 References 238
10.5 Chemical Use 227
10.6 Power Use 228
Membrane filtration technologies have a number of advantages compared to conventional granular media filtration systems. Granular media filtration, however, is a well understood and widely used pretreatment technology with a proven track record, which has a number of features that may render it cost competitive under many circumstances. Therefore, the se- lection of filtration technology for pretreatment of saline water should be based on a thor- ough life-cycle costebenefit analysis.
Side-by-side pilot testing of the two types of pretreatment systems is also highly recommended to develop background system performance information for an objective
Pretreatment for Reverse Osmosis Desalination 221 Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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