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12.5.3 Creation of Favorable Hydrodynamic Conditions in the SWRO
Membrane Elements
As indicated in Chapter 2, SWRO biofouling could be controlled by creating turbulent hy- drodynamic conditions on the surface of the SWRO membranes, which would prevent active marine bacteria from attaching to the surface and developing biofilm.
Fundamental research in this area indicates that such conditions could be created if the SWRO membrane systems are operated at relatively low recoveries (30%e35% vs. 40%e50%) and low permeate membrane flux, as well as by designing the membrane feed/concentrate spacer geometry such that it induces turbulent flow and high scouring (shear) velocity on the membrane surface (Winters et al., 2007). The work in this field is ongoing and holds significant potential.
Dreizin, Y., Tenne, A., Hoffman, D., 2008. Integrating large scale seawater desalination plants within Israel’s water supply system. Desalination 220, 132e149. Elsevier.
Gorenflo, A., Brusilovsky, M., Faigon, M., Liberman, B., 2007. High pH operation in seawater reverse osmosis permeate: first results from the World’s largest SWRO plant in Ashkelon. Desalination 203, 82e90. Elsevier. Greenlee, L.F., Lawler, D.F., Freeman, B.D., Marrot, B., Moulin, P., 2009. Reverse osmosis desalination: water sources,
technology, and today’s challenges. Water Research 43, 2317e2348. Elsevier.
Liberman, B., December 2002. The importance of energy recovery devices in reverse osmosis desalination. In: The
future of Desalination in Texas, vol. 2. Texas Water Development Board. Technical Papers, Case Studies Desali-
nation Technology Resources (Report # 363).
Liberman, B., Wilf, M., 2005. Evolution of configuration of RO seawater desalination elements. In: Proceedings of IDA
World Congress e Singapore, September 11e16. Ref: SP05-059.
Mickols, W., Busch, M., Maeda, Y., Tonner, J., 2005. A novel design approach for seawater plants. In: Proceedings of
IDA World Congress-Singapore, September 11e16, pp. 2e25. Ref: SP05-052.
Sanz, M.A., Bonnelye, V., Cremer, G., 2007. Fujairah reverse osmosis plant: 2 years of operation. Desalination 203,
91e99. Elsevier.
Wilf, M., Awerbuch, L., Bartels, C., Mickley, M., Pearce, G., Voutchkov, N., 2007. The Guidebook to Membrane Desa-
lination Technology. Balaban Desalination Publications, L’Aquila, Italy.
Winters, H.S., Fane, A., Nicolaisen, B., 2007. Microbial membrane fouling; microbial cake enhanced osmotic pressure
(CEOP) or thermodynamic restriction?. In: Proceedings of IDA World Congress-Masspalomas, Gran Canaria- Spain, October 21e26, pp. 1e15. Ref: IDAWC/MP07-267.